Style me!

Different document types have different structures. Here are the structures for two different document types:

Styling notes

  1. Everything in the document but the Style Me section above uses default styles.
  2. The section above has a yellow background and green border.
  3. The section above uses Futura font by default.
  4. The header is centered.
  5. The outer list items above
    • have a bold font-weight and
    • are capitalized and
    • use a square for the bullet.
  6. The middle list items above:
    • use roman numerals.
    • Have Capitalized Words
  7. The first middle list items:
    • switch off skyblue and lightblue background colors.
    • have upper-case roman numerals, and
    • Have Capitalized Words
  8. The second middle list items:
    • have lower-case roman numerals, and
    • have lowercase words
  9. The inner list items above:
    • use a Courier font, and
    • have open circles as bullets
    • should change color to white when hovered over.