
Scope: Comprehensive, but mostly about topics post-lecture. You are responsible for papers to the extent we covered them in class; portions not covered in class will not be on the exam.

You may use one 8.5x11 double-sided peice of paper for notes. It can be handwritten or printed by computer, but not printed so small that you'd need a magnifying devices (other than normal glasses).

The final is a three-hour take-home final (the three hours need to be contiguous). It'll be handed out on the last day of class (Wednesday, May 1). Seniors must turn their exam in by 7 PM, Friday, May 9. Other students must turn their exam in by 5 PM Wednesday, May 12. Exams can be turned in by sliding them under my office door: Olin 1255.

During the exam, no use of computer or phone other than: as a music player, as a clock, and/or as an alarm.

Questions on the exam about particular papers will not just use the project name (e.g., Dune, Biscuit, IX, ZFS) but will contain a brief reminder of what project the name refers to.

Once you've started the exam, you may not discuss it with anyone else (e.g., students who have already completed it, students not in the class) in any fashion (e.g., particular questions, difficulty, how you think you did) until the submission deadline for all students has passed.

Practice Exams

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