Video 7 Super VGA.
  Bought by Headland Technologies in
  Bought by SPEA Software AG in 1993.

The earliest V7/Headland boards use Chips&Technologies and Cirrus chips.

G2 GC205   VRAM-I/VGA-16 boards ?. Also known as HT 208 rev 1-3 ??
G2 GC208   V7 1024i boards. Also known as HT208. Split banks
HT 209     V7VRAM-II boards
HT 216     Color expansion. RAster ops.
HT 216-32  Local bus version of HT216 ?

Board:      Chip:                     Features:

VRAM I                                Hardware Cursor
VRAM II     HT-208 rev B,C or D       Split Bank
VGA16       HT-216
1024i       HT-216

100h (R/W?): Microchannel ID low
bit 0-7  Card ID bit 0-7

101h (R/W?): Microchannel ID high
bit 0-7  Card ID bit 8-15

102h (R/W): Alt Video Subsystem Enable
bit 0  Enable Video if set. Must be armed by 3C4h index 0FCh bit 7
       or in setup mode (46E8h bit4) to change.

3C2h (W): Misc Output register
bit 5  Bit 1 of Bank no.
Note:  This register can be read at 3CCh.

3C3h (R/W): Video Subsystem Enable
bit 0  Enable Microchannel Video if set
       Must be armed by 3C4h index 0FCh bit 7 to change.

3C4h index  6  (R/W):  Extension Control
bit   0  (R) Extensions enabled if set
bit 0-7  (W) 0EAh Enables extensions, 0AEh disables.

3C4h index  7  (R/W):  Reset Horizontal Character Counter

3C4h index  Bh (R/W):  CA1 ??
bit   0  If set the CA1 port is an output with the state  from bit 1,
         if clear the port is an input. The state is returned in bit 1.
      1  Data pin for CA1. Usually connected to 8/6 pin on DAC
Note: Some sort of access to index 0D0h is needed to enable the port.

3C4h index 80h (R/W):  Test

3C4h index 81h (R/W):  Test

3C4h index 82h (R/W):  Test

3C4h index 83h (R/W):  Attribute Control Index

3C4h index 8Eh W(R):  Chip Version
bit 0-15  Chip version. Index 8Fh is the major version, and 8Eh is the minor.
          Originally this was probably for two different chips.
            8xxxh-FFFFh  VEGA VGA Chip
                  70xxh  HT208 chip rev. 1,2 or 3 (VRAM I/VGA-16)
                  7070h  G2 GC205
                  714xh  HT208 chip rev A (VRAM II ?). Also G2 GC208.
                  7151h  HT208 chip rev B (VRAM II)
                  7152h  HT208 chip rev C or D (VRAM II)
                  7760h  HT216 rev B or C
                  7763h  HT216 rev B, C or D  (huh ??)
                  7764h  HT216 rev E
                  7765h  HT216 rev F

3C4h index 94h (R/W):  Pointer Pattern Address
bit 0-7  Start address of the Pointer Pattern. This value selects the 256 byte
         block within the last 64k of the 256k block selected by index 0FFh
         bits 5-6.
         The cursor map consists of two 32x32 bitmaps. The first is the AND
         mask and the second is the XOR mask.
            AND     XOR
             0       0      Black
             0       1      Inverse screen data
             1       0      Screen data
             1       1      White

3C4h index 9Ch (R/W):  Pointer Horizontal Position High
bit 0-2  Bit 8-10 of the X co-ordinate of the Cursor

3C4h index 9Dh (R/W):  Pointer Horizontal Position Low
bit 0-7  Bit 0-7 of the X co-ordinate of the Cursor

3C4h index 9Eh (R/W):  Pointer Vertical Position High
bit 0-1  Bit 8-9 of the Y co-ordinate of the Cursor

3C4h index 9Fh (R/W):  Pointer Vertical Position Low
bit 0-7  Bit 0-7 of the Y co-ordinate of the Cursor

3C4h index A0h (R/W):  GC Memory Latch 0
bit 0-7  Plane 0 Memory Latch Data

3C4h index A1h (R/W):  GC Memory Latch 1
bit 0-7  Plane 1 Memory Latch Data

3C4h index A2h (R/W):  GC Memory Latch 2
bit 0-7  Plane 2 Memory Latch Data

3C4h index A3h (R/W):  GC Memory Latch 3
bit 0-7  Plane 3 Memory Latch Data

3C4h index A4h (R/W):  Clock Select
bit 2-4  Clock select bit 0-2. Bit 3 is in index F8h bit 0
         This is activated when 3C2h is written. Actually 3C2h/3CCh bits 2-3
         will override bits 2-3 of this register
         HT208-A (in MHz) generates:
           0: 25.175,   1: 48.6,    2: 22.9,    3: 0
           4: 34,       5: 48.6,    6: 22.9,    7: 0
           8: 25.175,   9: 28.322, 10: 22.9,   11: 0
          12: 34,      13: 36,     14: 22.9,   15: 40
         Another card gives (8-15 unknown):
           0: 25.175,   1: 28.322,  2: 30.000,  3: 32.514
           4: 34.000,   5: 36.000,  6: 38.000,  7: 40.000

3C4h index A5h (R/W):  Cursor Attributes
bit 0  Cursor blink enabled if clear
    3  Text Cursor Mode is XOR if set, Replace if clear
    7  Hardware Graphics Cursor Enabled if set

3C4h index B3h (R/W):  Scratch RAM
bit 0-7  Scratch

3C4h index B4h (R):  Power On Reset 0                                  (HT216)

3C4h index B5h (R):  Power On Reset 1                                  (HT216)

3C4h index B6h (R):  Power On Reset 2                                  (HT216)

3C4h index B7h (R):  Power On Reset 3                                  (HT216)

3C4h index C0h (R/W):  Monochrome Lock

3C4h index C1h (R/W):
bit   0  Set to enable 8bit DAC rather than 6bit.

3C4h index C8h (R/W):  Miscellaneous Control 2
bit   0  Set to enable MOVSB operation ??                        (HT216 only?)
      4  Set in Extended 256 color modes
      6  Enable Linear Addressing if set

3C4h index C9h (R/W):  Extended Linear Address Offset
bit 0-3  Bits 20-23 of the Linear Address Offset

3C4h index CAh (R/W):  Horizontal Overflow                             (HT216)

3C4h index CBh (R/W):  Low Water Mark                                  (HT216)

3C4h index CCh (R/W):  DM Function Control                             (HT216)

3C4h index CDh (R/W):  Extended ALU Function Control                   (HT216)
bit 0-1  Color Expansion mode:
          0,2: VGA compatible mode
            1: Packed pixel 8plane color expansion
            3: Planar color expansion mode
    2-3  Bit mask source. 0: Bitmask from 3CEh index 8
           1: Bit mask from CPU byte, 2,3: Bit mask from 3C4h index F5h
      5  If set RMW cycles are enabled.
      6  If set enables Source to Destination alignment.
      7  Set to Enable Raster Operations

3C4h index CEh (R/W):  Extended ALU Function Select                    (HT216)
bit 0-3  Raster Operation.
             0: Set to 0  ...

3C4h index CFh (R/W):  Extended Linear Address Offset High             (HT216)
bit 0-7  Bits 24-31 of the Linear Address Offset

3C4h index E0h (R/W):  Miscellaneous Control                   (HT208 rev A +)
bit   0  Interlaced
    5-6  Reserved
      7  Enables Split Bank Mode if set(VRAM II or HT216 only)
         On the HT208 rev A, split banks appears to cause index E8h to be the
         read/write bank register for A000h-A7FFh and index E9h to be the
         read/write bank register for A800h-AFFFh.

3C4h index E1h (R/W):  Interlace Value

3C4h index E2h (R/W):  Extended Character Width Enable

3C4h index E3h (R/W):  High Water Mark

3C4h index E8h (R/W):  Single/Write Bank Register              (HT208 rev A +)
bit 0-7  Single/Write Bank in units of 4KB.
         For 16color modes this is in units of 1KB.

3C4h index E9h (R/W):  Read Bank Register                      (HT208 rev A +)
bit 0-7  Read Bank in units of 4KB.
         Only Active if Split mode enabled (3C4h index E0h bit 7 set)

3C4h index EAh (W): Switch Strobe
Note:  A write to this register copies the switch positions to
       the Switch Readback Register (3C4h index F7h).

3C4h index EBh (R/W):  Emulation Control

3C4h index ECh (R/W):  Foreground Latch 0
bit 0-7  Foreground Latch for plane 0. When in Dither Foreground mode
         (3C4h index FEh bit 2-3 = 2) the data in this register
         replaces the data written from the processor.

3C4h index EDh (R/W):  Foreground Latch 1
bit 0-7  Foreground Latch for plane 1.

3C4h index EEh (R/W):  Foreground Latch 2
bit 0-7  Foreground Latch for plane 2.

3C4h index EFh (R/W):  Foreground Latch 3
bit 0-7  Foreground Latch for plane 3.

3C4h index F0h (R/W):  Fast Foreground Latch Load
bit 0-7  The Foreground Latches (3C4h index ECh to EFh) for the four memory
         planes can be loaded by writing to this register. The writes will
         cycle through planes 0-3. A read will restart at plane 0.

3C4h index F1h (R/W):  Fast Latch Load State
bit 0-1  Background Latch Load State. Determines which of the four memory
         latches will be loaded by a write to 3C4h index F2h. Each write to
         index F2h will increment this value and each read from index F2h
         will reset it to 0.
    2-3  Unused
    4-5  Foreground Latch Load State. Determines which of the four Foreground
         latches (3C4h index ECh to EFh) will be loaded by the next write to
         3C4h index F0h. Each write to index F0h will increment this value
         and each read from index F0h will reset it to 0.
    6-7  Unused

3C4h index F2h (R/W):  Fast Background Latch Load
bit 0-7  The Memory Data Latches for the four memory planes can be loaded by
         writing to this register. The writes will cycle through planes 0-3.
         A read will restart at plane 0.

3C4h index F3h (R/W):  Masked Write Control   (Only with VRAM)
bit   0  Enables Masked Writes if set
      1  If set rotated CPU byte is used as WriteMask, else Masked Write Mask
         register is used.

3C4h index F4h (R/W):  Masked Write Mask      (Only with VRAM)
bit 0-7  If Masked Writes enabled (3C4h index F3h bit 0 set)
         Only the bits set here will be updated in Video memory.

3C4h index F5h (R/W): Foreground/Background Pattern
bit 0-7

3C4h index F6h (R/W):  1MB RAM Bank Select
bit 0-1  Write Bank no bit 2-3 if 256 color, bit 0-1 else.
    2-3  Read Bank no bit 2-3 if 256 color, bit 0-1 else.
    4-5  CRTC Bank (Address bit 16-17)
      6  Display address Wraps Around at bank boundary if clear
      7  Split Screen Wraps around at bank boundary if clear

3C4h index F7h (R/W):  Switch Readback
bit 0-7  Switch positions as read by the last write to the Switch
         Strobe Register (3C4h index EAh)

3C4h index F8h (R/W):  Extended Clock Control
bit   0  Clock select bit 3. Bits 0-2 are in index A4h bits 2-4.
    5-7  Clock Source: See index A4h bits 2-4.
Note: depending on mode and other bits in this register other
      values may be selected.

3C4h index F9h (R/W):  Page Select
bit   0  bit 16 of Video Memory Address. (Only needed if in a
         256 color mode, and 3C4h index FCh bit 1-2 = 1).

3C4h index FAh (R/W):  Extended Foreground Color
bit 0-3  Foreground expansion color.
         Bit 0 is written to plane 0 et cetera.

3C4h index FBh (R/W):  Extended Background Color
bit 0-3  Background expansion color
         Bit 0 is written to plane 0 et cetera.

3C4h index FCh (R/W):  Compatibility Control
bit   0  Enable Extended Attribute functions if set
         Extended attributes allows underlining using a mask
         in plane 3 for each character.
      1  256-Color 64K/128K paging Select. 128K pages if set, 64K pages else.
         Only active if bit 2 set
      2  256-Color Paging Enabled if set.
    3-4  Reserved.
      5  Enables sequential chain4 mode if set ??
      6  Reserved.
      7  If set allows enabling VGA via 102h bit 0 or 3C3h bit 0.

3C4h index FDh (R/W):  Extended Timing Select

3C4h index FEh (R/W):  Foreground/Background Control
bit   0  Unused
      1  Foreground/background source select
         Source is CPU data if set, 3C4h index F5h else.
    2-3  Foreground/background mode select
           0  Set/Reset Output (Standard VGA) mode
           1  Solid Color Expansion Mode
              A monochrome bitmap is expanded to color.
              For each bit of data written from the processor
              a zero bit causes the background color (3C4h index FBh)
              to be written in the corresponding pixel, and a 1 bit
              causes the ForeGround color (3C4h index FAh) to be written.
           2  Dithered ForeGround. The data from the processor is
              replaced by data from four Foreground Latches (3C4h index
              ECh to EFh). The normal VGA Read Latches function as normal.
           3  Uses Background Latch (transparent).
    4-7  Unused

3C4h index FFh (R/W):  16 bit Interface Control
bit   0  16 bit memory if set
      1  16 bit I/O if set
      2  Fast Write Enabled if set
      3  16 bit ROM access if set
      4  Enable bank selection (Access to memory >256K) if set.
    5-6  Cursor Pattern Page Select
         Select which 256k bank the cursor pattern is in.
      7  (Read only) Card in 8 or 16 bit slot

3d4h index 1Fh (R):  Identification register
bit 0-7  Returns bit 0-7 of the Start Address High Register
         (3d4h index 0Ch) XORed with 0EAh.

3d4h index 22h (R):  Graphics Controller Data Latch
bit 0-7  Data from one of 4 bit-planes selected through the
         RMS field of the Read Map Select Register (3CEh index 4)

3d4h index 24h (R):  Graphics Controller Data
bit 0-4  Attribute Index. Same as 3C1 bit 0-4.
      5  Palette source.  Same as 3C1h bit 5
      7  Does the Attribute Controller point to Index or Data .

3d4h index 30h-3Fh (W):  Clear Vertical Display
bit   0  if set speeds up video memory access by increasing the
         vertical Retrace Period.

46E8h (W):  ROM Map & Video Subsystem
bit 0-2  Enable VGA PC/AT
      3  Enable VGA PC/AT if set
      4  Enter VGA Setup Mode if set
         In Setup Mode only registers 102h, 3C3h and 46E8h
         are active.

    4BC4h,4BC5 used.

  Bank Select:

    Two methods exists:

    All models can use method 1:
      For 2 and 4 color modes bit 16 of the address is in 3C2h bit 5.

      For 16 color modes separate read and write banks can be selected
      through 3C4h index F6h.

      For 256 color modes the bank fields in 3C4h index F6h select
      bit 18&19 of the video memory address.
      Bit 16 is selected through 3C4h index F9h bit 0.
      Bit 17 is selected through Miscellaneous Output Register
             (3C2h/3CCh bit 5).
      Bit 16&17 are shared by read and write operations.

    For Version 4 (HT208-A) and above separate bank registers are available.
    Both read and write banks exists.

  ID Video 7 VGA Chip Set:

    if rp.bx=$5637 then
      SubVers:=(rdinx($3C4,$8F) shl 8) + rdinx($3C4,$8E);
      case SubVers of
     $7000..$70FF:HT208 version 1-3
     $7140..$714F:HT208 rev A;
            $7151:HT208 rev B
            $7152:HT208 rev CD
            $7760:HT216 rev BC
            $7763:HT216 rev D
            $7764:HT216 rev E
            $7765:HT216 rev F

  Video Modes:
    40h  T   80   43  16
    41h  T  132   25  16
    42h  T  132   43  16
    43h  T   80   60  16
    44h  T  100   60  16
    45h  T  132   28  16

    60h  G  752  410  16  PL4
    61h  G  720  540  16  PL4
    62h  G  800  600  16  PL4
    63h  G 1024  768   2  PL1
    64h  G 1024  768   4  PL2E
    65h  G 1024  768  16  PL4
    66h  G  640  400 256  P8    V1024 w/VRAM
    67h  G  640  480 256  P8
    68h  G  720  540 256  P8    VRAM only
    69h  G  800  600 256  P8    VRAM only
    6Ah  G 1024  768 256  P8
    70h  G 1280 1024  16  PL4

  BIOS extensions:

        AX = 6F00h
Return: BX = 5637h ('V7') indicates Video7 VGA/VEGA VGA extensions are present
           = 4850h ('HP') indicates HP Extended BIOS video functions present
INT 10 - VIDEO - Get Monitor Info (Video7 VGA,VEGA VGA)
        AX = 6F01h
Return: AL = monitor type code (HP and VEGA VGA only) (values are for HP)
              00h  non-HP card with ROM and possibly its own INT 10h driver
              41h  MultiMode video display adapter
              45h  standard monochrome display adapter
              46h  standard color display adapter
        AH = status register information
             bit  0 = display enable
                      0 = display enabled
                      1 = vertical or horizontal retrace in progress
             bit  1 = light pen flip flop set
             bit  2 = light pen switch activated
             bit  3 = vertical retrace if set
             bit  4 = monitor resolution
                      0 = high resolution (>200 lines)
                      1 = low resolution (<=200 lines)
             bit  5 = display type
                      0 = color
                      1 = monochrome
             bits6,7= diagnostic bits
        CL = current value of Extended Control register
             (HP, and only if AL=41h)
Note: bits 0-3 are the same as the EGA/VGA status register bits 0-3
INT 10 - VIDEO - HP Vectra (Video7 ?) - Set Monitor Info
        AX = 6F02h
        BL = new value for extended control register
             Bit 0  Screen resolution (0: 200 lines, 1: 400)
                 1  Underline enable (if set 'blue' bit of ForeGround color is
                    the underline bit)
                 2  Font. 0: Standard-8, 1: HP-Roman-8
                 3  Memory disabled for CPU access
                 4  Allow access to full 32K memory rather than wrap at 16K
                 5  Select 2nd 16K page rather than first
Note: this function is only valid when an HP MultiMode Video Display Adapter
      is installed. The Extended Control register is at I/O address 3DDh
INT 10 - VIDEO - HP Vectra (Video7 ?) - Modify Monitor Info
        AX = 6F03h
        BH = Exclude mask (set bits are not modified)
        BL = new value for bits indicated in BH
             Result = ((old value) and BH) or ((not BH) and BL)
Note: This function is only valid when an HP MultiMode Video Display Adapter
      is installed
INT 10 - VIDEO - Get Mode and Screen Resolution (Video7 VGA, VEGA VGA)
        AX = 6F04h
Return: AL = current video mode (see AX=6F05h)
        BX = horizontal columns (text) or pixels (graphics)
        CX = vertical columns (text) or pixels (graphics)
INT 10 - VIDEO - Set Video Mode (Video7 VGA, VEGA EXTENDED EGA/VGA)
        AX = 6F05h
        BL = mode:
              00h-13h = standard IBM modes (see AH=00h)
              40h-6Ah = see table above.
        AX = 6F06h
        BL = Autoswitch mode select
             00h select EGA/VGA-only modes
             01h select Autoswitched VGA/EGA/CGA/MGA modes
             02h select 'bootup' CGA/MGA modes
        BH = enable/disable (00h enable, 01h = disable selection)
        AX = 6F07h
Return: AL = 6Fh
        AH = bits 0-6 = number of 256K blocks of video memory
             bit 7    = DRAM/VRAM (0: DRAM, 1: VRAM)
        BH = chip revision (SR8F) (S/C Chip in VEGA VGA)
        BL = chip revision (SR8E) (G/A Chip in VEGA VGA)
        CX = 0000h