#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Simplifed xv6 shell. #define MAXARGS 10 // All commands have at least a type. Have looked at the type, the code // typically casts the *cmd to some specific cmd type. struct cmd { int type; // ' ' (exec), | (pipe), '<' or '>' for redirection }; struct execcmd { int type; // ' ' char *argv[MAXARGS]; // arguments to the command to be exec-ed }; struct redircmd { int type; // < or > struct cmd *cmd; // the command to be run (e.g., an execcmd) char *file; // the input/output file int flags; // flags for open() indicating read or write int fd; // the file descriptor number to use for the file }; struct pipecmd { int type; // | struct cmd *left; // left side of pipe struct cmd *right; // right side of pipe }; int fork1(void); // Fork but exits on failure. struct cmd *parsecmd(char*); // Execute cmd. Never returns. void runcmd(struct cmd *cmd) { int p[2], r; struct execcmd *ecmd; struct pipecmd *pcmd; struct redircmd *rcmd; if(cmd == 0) _exit(0); switch(cmd->type){ default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown runcmd\n"); _exit(-1); case ' ': ecmd = (struct execcmd*)cmd; if(ecmd->argv[0] == 0) _exit(0); fprintf(stderr, "exec not implemented\n"); // Your code here ... break; case '>': case '<': rcmd = (struct redircmd*)cmd; fprintf(stderr, "redir not implemented\n"); // Your code here ... runcmd(rcmd->cmd); break; case '|': pcmd = (struct pipecmd*)cmd; fprintf(stderr, "pipe not implemented\n"); // Your code here ... break; } _exit(0); } int getcmd(char *buf, int nbuf) { if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) fprintf(stdout, "cs134$ "); memset(buf, 0, nbuf); if(fgets(buf, nbuf, stdin) == 0) return -1; // EOF return 0; } int main(void) { static char buf[100]; int fd, r; // Read and run input commands. while(getcmd(buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0){ if(buf[0] == 'c' && buf[1] == 'd' && buf[2] == ' '){ // Clumsy but will have to do for now. // Chdir has no effect on the parent if run in the child. buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; // chop \n if(chdir(buf+3) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "cannot cd %s\n", buf+3); continue; } if(fork1() == 0) runcmd(parsecmd(buf)); wait(&r); } exit(0); } int fork1(void) { int pid; pid = fork(); if(pid == -1) perror("fork"); return pid; } struct cmd* execcmd(void) { struct execcmd *cmd; cmd = malloc(sizeof(*cmd)); memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd)); cmd->type = ' '; return (struct cmd*)cmd; } struct cmd* redircmd(struct cmd *subcmd, char *file, int type) { struct redircmd *cmd; cmd = malloc(sizeof(*cmd)); memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd)); cmd->type = type; cmd->cmd = subcmd; cmd->file = file; cmd->flags = (type == '<') ? O_RDONLY : O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC; cmd->fd = (type == '<') ? 0 : 1; return (struct cmd*)cmd; } struct cmd* pipecmd(struct cmd *left, struct cmd *right) { struct pipecmd *cmd; cmd = malloc(sizeof(*cmd)); memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd)); cmd->type = '|'; cmd->left = left; cmd->right = right; return (struct cmd*)cmd; } // Parsing char whitespace[] = " \t\r\n\v"; char symbols[] = "<|>"; int gettoken(char **ps, char *es, char **q, char **eq) { char *s; int ret; s = *ps; while(s < es && strchr(whitespace, *s)) s++; if(q) *q = s; ret = *s; switch(*s){ case 0: break; case '|': case '<': s++; break; case '>': s++; break; default: ret = 'a'; while(s < es && !strchr(whitespace, *s) && !strchr(symbols, *s)) s++; break; } if(eq) *eq = s; while(s < es && strchr(whitespace, *s)) s++; *ps = s; return ret; } int peek(char **ps, char *es, char *toks) { char *s; s = *ps; while(s < es && strchr(whitespace, *s)) s++; *ps = s; return *s && strchr(toks, *s); } struct cmd *parseline(char**, char*); struct cmd *parsepipe(char**, char*); struct cmd *parseexec(char**, char*); // make a copy of the characters in the input buffer, starting from s through es. // null-terminate the copy to make it a string. char *mkcopy(char *s, char *es) { int n = es - s; char *c = malloc(n+1); assert(c); strncpy(c, s, n); c[n] = 0; return c; } struct cmd* parsecmd(char *s) { char *es; struct cmd *cmd; es = s + strlen(s); cmd = parseline(&s, es); peek(&s, es, ""); if(s != es){ fprintf(stderr, "leftovers: %s\n", s); exit(-1); } return cmd; } struct cmd* parseline(char **ps, char *es) { struct cmd *cmd; cmd = parsepipe(ps, es); return cmd; } struct cmd* parsepipe(char **ps, char *es) { struct cmd *cmd; cmd = parseexec(ps, es); if(peek(ps, es, "|")){ gettoken(ps, es, 0, 0); cmd = pipecmd(cmd, parsepipe(ps, es)); } return cmd; } struct cmd* parseredirs(struct cmd *cmd, char **ps, char *es) { int tok; char *q, *eq; while(peek(ps, es, "<>")){ tok = gettoken(ps, es, 0, 0); if(gettoken(ps, es, &q, &eq) != 'a') { fprintf(stderr, "missing file for redirection\n"); exit(-1); } switch(tok){ case '<': cmd = redircmd(cmd, mkcopy(q, eq), '<'); break; case '>': cmd = redircmd(cmd, mkcopy(q, eq), '>'); break; } } return cmd; } struct cmd* parseexec(char **ps, char *es) { char *q, *eq; int tok, argc; struct execcmd *cmd; struct cmd *ret; ret = execcmd(); cmd = (struct execcmd*)ret; argc = 0; ret = parseredirs(ret, ps, es); while(!peek(ps, es, "|")){ if((tok=gettoken(ps, es, &q, &eq)) == 0) break; if(tok != 'a') { fprintf(stderr, "syntax error\n"); exit(-1); } cmd->argv[argc] = mkcopy(q, eq); argc++; if(argc >= MAXARGS) { fprintf(stderr, "too many args\n"); exit(-1); } ret = parseredirs(ret, ps, es); } cmd->argv[argc] = 0; return ret; }