In this lab you will add support for inter-process communication (IPC), allowing different user-mode environments to communicate and synchronize with each other explicitly. You will also add support for hardware clock interrupts and preemption.
Create a local branch called lab7 based on our lab7 branch, origin/lab7, and then fetch the latest version from the course repository:
$ cd ~/cs134/lab $ git checkout --track origin/lab7 Branch lab7 set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/lab7. Switched to a new branch "lab7" $ git pull upstream lab7 # Pulls any changes I have made in the upstream repository $
You will now need to merge the changes you made in your lab6 branch into the lab7 branch, as follows:
$ git merge lab6 Merge made by the recursive strategy. ... $
In some cases, Git may not be able to figure out how to merge your changes with the new lab assignment (e.g. if you modified some of the code that is changed in the second lab assignment). In that case, the git merge command will tell you which files are conflicted, and you should first resolve the conflict (by editing the relevant files) and then commit the resulting files with git commit -a.
Important note. If your Pull Request for lab6 has finished being reviewed, then you know that lab6 is complete, and you will never need to merge from lab6 again. However, if it is is still being reviewed, then there may be changes required before the review is complete. Those changes will need to be merged into lab7-no-code, which you can do after the Pull Request is complete, by another call to git merge lab6 from lab7-no-code. Then, you would do a git merge lab7-no-code from lab7.You should merge into both labs so that the Pull Request for lab7 does not include the changes from lab6.
At this point, Lab 7 is ready to go. Before making any code changes, do the following:
$ git branch lab7-no-code # creates a branch prior to adding any Lab 7 code $ git push -u origin lab7-no-code # pushes the new branch to the origin
In this lab and subsequent labs, do all of the regular exercises described in the lab. You can also do challenge problems. (Some challenge problems are more challenging than others, of course!) Additionally, write up brief answers to any questions posed in the lab and a short (e.g., one or two paragraph) description of what you did to solve each chosen challenge problem. Place the write-up in a file called answers-lab7.txt in the top level of your lab directory before submitting your work. Do not forget to add that file to git.
You will modify the kernel to preempt uncooperative environments and to allow environments to pass messages to each other explicitly.
Run the user/spin test program. This test program forks off a child environment, which simply spins forever in a tight loop once it receives control of the CPU. Neither the parent environment nor the kernel ever regains the CPU. This is obviously not an ideal situation in terms of protecting the system from bugs or malicious code in user-mode environments, because any user-mode environment can bring the whole system to a halt simply by getting into an infinite loop and never giving back the CPU. In order to allow the kernel to preempt a running environment, forcefully retaking control of the CPU from it, we must extend the JOS kernel to support external hardware interrupts from the clock hardware.
External interrupts (i.e., device interrupts) are referred to as IRQs.
There are 16 possible IRQs, numbered 0 through 15.
The mapping from IRQ number to IDT entry is not fixed.
in picirq.c maps IRQs 0-15
to IDT entries IRQ_OFFSET
through IRQ_OFFSET+15
In inc/trap.h,
is defined to be decimal 32.
Thus the IDT entries 32-47 correspond to the IRQs 0-15.
For example, the clock interrupt is IRQ 0.
Thus, IDT[IRQ_OFFSET+0] (i.e., IDT[32]) contains the address of
the clock's interrupt handler routine in the kernel.
is chosen so that the device interrupts
do not overlap with the processor exceptions,
which could obviously cause confusion.
(In fact, in the early days of PCs running MS-DOS,
effectively was zero,
which indeed caused massive confusion between handling hardware interrupts
and handling processor exceptions!)
In JOS, we make a key simplification compared to xv6 Unix.
External device interrupts are always disabled
when in the kernel (and, like xv6, enabled when in user space).
External interrupts are controlled by the FL_IF
flag bit
of the %eflags
(see inc/mmu.h).
When this bit is set, external interrupts are enabled.
While the bit can be modified in several ways,
because of our simplification, we will handle it solely
through the process of saving and restoring %eflags
as we enter and leave user mode.
You will have to ensure that the FL_IF
flag is set in
user environments when they run so that when an interrupt arrives, it
gets passed through to the processor and handled by your interrupt code.
Otherwise, interrupts are masked,
or ignored until interrupts are re-enabled.
We masked interrupts with the very first instruction of the bootloader,
and so far we have never gotten around to re-enabling them.
Exercise 1.
Modify kern/trapentry.S and kern/trap.c to
initialize the appropriate entries in the IDT and provide
handlers for IRQs 0 through 15. Then modify the code
in env_alloc()
in kern/env.c to ensure
that user environments are always run with interrupts enabled.
Also uncomment the sti instruction in sched_halt() so that idle CPUs unmask interrupts.
The processor never pushes an error code when invoking a hardware interrupt handler. You might want to re-read section 9.2 of the 80386 Reference Manual, or section 5.8 of the IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3, at this time.
After doing this exercise, if you run your kernel with any test program that runs for a non-trivial length of time (e.g., spin), you should see the kernel print trap frames for hardware interrupts. While interrupts are now enabled in the processor, JOS isn't yet handling them, so you should see it misattribute each interrupt to the currently running user environment and destroy it. Eventually it should run out of environments to destroy and drop into the monitor.
In the user/spin program, after the child environment was first run, it just spun in a loop, and the kernel never got control back. We need to program the hardware to generate clock interrupts periodically, which will force control back to the kernel where we can switch control to a different user environment.
The calls to lapic_init
and pic_init
(from i386_init
in init.c),
which we have written for you,
set up the clock and the interrupt controller to generate interrupts.
You now need to write the code to handle these interrupts.
Exercise 2.
Modify the kernel's trap_dispatch()
so that it calls sched_yield()
to find and run a different environment
whenever a clock interrupt takes place.
You should now be able to get the user/spin test to work:
the parent environment should fork off the child,
to it a couple times
but in each case regain control of the CPU after one time slice,
and finally kill the child environment and terminate gracefully.
This is a great time to do some regression testing. Make sure that you haven't broken any earlier part of that lab that used to work (e.g. forktree) by enabling interrupts. Also, try running with multiple CPUs using make CPUS=2 target. You should also be able to pass stresssched now. Run make grade to see for sure. You should now get a total score of 10/25 points on this lab.
(Technically in JOS this is "inter-environment communication" or "IEC", but everyone else calls it IPC, so we'll use the standard term.)
We've been focusing on the isolation aspects of the operating system, the ways it provides the illusion that each program has a machine all to itself. Another important service of an operating system is to allow programs to communicate with each other when they want to. It can be quite powerful to let programs interact with other programs. The Unix pipe model is the canonical example.
There are many models for interprocess communication. Even today there are still debates about which models are best. We won't get into that debate. Instead, we'll implement a simple IPC mechanism and then try it out.
You will implement a few additional JOS kernel system calls
that collectively provide a simple interprocess communication mechanism.
You will implement two
system calls, sys_ipc_recv
Then you will implement two library wrappers
and ipc_send
The "messages" that user environments can send to each other using JOS's IPC mechanism consist of two components: a single 32-bit value, and optionally a single page mapping. Allowing environments to pass page mappings in messages provides an efficient way to transfer more data than will fit into a single 32-bit integer, and also allows environments to set up shared memory arrangements easily.
To receive a message, an environment calls
This system call de-schedules the current
environment and does not run it again until a message has
been received.
When an environment is waiting to receive a message,
any other environment can send it a message -
not just a particular environment,
and not just environments that have a parent/child arrangement
with the receiving environment.
In other words, the permission checking that you implemented in Part A
will not apply to IPC,
because the IPC system calls are carefully designed so as to be "safe":
an environment cannot cause another environment to malfunction
simply by sending it messages
(unless the target environment is also buggy).
To try to send a value, an environment calls
with both the receiver's
environment id and the value to be sent. If the named
environment is actually receiving (it has called
and not gotten a value yet),
then the send delivers the message and returns 0. Otherwise
the send returns -E_IPC_NOT_RECV
to indicate
that the target environment is not currently expecting
to receive a value.
A library function ipc_recv
in user space will take care
of calling sys_ipc_recv
and then looking up
the information about the received values in the current
environment's struct Env
Similarly, a library function ipc_send
take care of repeatedly calling sys_ipc_try_send
until the send succeeds.
When an environment calls sys_ipc_recv
with a valid dstva
parameter (below UTOP
the environment is stating that it is willing to receive a page mapping.
If the sender sends a page,
then that page should be mapped at dstva
in the receiver's address space.
If the receiver already had a page mapped at dstva
then that previous page is unmapped.
When an environment calls sys_ipc_try_send
with a valid srcva
(below UTOP
it means the sender wants to send the page
currently mapped at srcva
to the receiver,
with permissions perm
After a successful IPC,
the sender keeps its original mapping
for the page at srcva
in its address space,
but the receiver also obtains a mapping for this same physical page
at the dstva
originally specified by the receiver,
in the receiver's address space.
As a result this page becomes shared between the sender and receiver.
If either the sender or the receiver does not indicate
that a page should be transferred,
then no page is transferred.
After any IPC
the kernel sets the new field env_ipc_perm
in the receiver's Env
to the permissions of the page received,
or zero if no page was received.
Exercise 3.
Implement sys_ipc_recv
in kern/syscall.c.
Read the comments on both before implementing them, since they
have to work together.
When you call envid2env
in these routines, you should
set the checkperm
flag to 0,
meaning that any environment is allowed to send
IPC messages to any other environment,
and the kernel does no special permission checking
other than verifying that the target envid is valid.
Then implement
the ipc_recv
and ipc_send
in lib/ipc.c.
Use the user/pingpong and user/primes functions to test your IPC mechanism. user/primes will generate for each prime number a new environment until JOS runs out of environments. You might find it interesting to read user/primes.c to see all the forking and IPC going on behind the scenes.
Why does ipc_send
have to loop? Change the system call interface so it
doesn't have to. Make sure you can handle multiple
environments trying to send to one environment at the
same time.
Challenge! The prime sieve is only one neat use of message passing between a large number of concurrent programs. Read C. A. R. Hoare, `Communicating Sequential Processes,' Communications of the ACM 21(8) (August 1978), 666-667, and implement the matrix multiplication example.
Challenge! One of the most impressive examples of the power of message passing is Doug McIlroy's power series calculator, described in M. Douglas McIlroy, `Squinting at Power Series,' Software--Practice and Experience, 20(7) (July 1990), 661-683. Implement his power series calculator and compute the power series for sin(x+x^3).
Challenge! Make JOS's IPC mechanism more efficient by applying some of the techniques from Liedtke's paper, Improving IPC by Kernel Design, or any other tricks you may think of. Feel free to modify the kernel's system call API for this purpose, as long as your code is backwards compatible with what our grading scripts expect.
This completes the lab. In the lab directory, commit your changes with git commit and type make handin to get instructions for submitting your code.
See our page on GitHub and Pull Requests for detailed information on pull requests and submitting your code.