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17 August 2004


Margie in the train

Margie looking cute with the luscious jungle behind her. The ride up the mountain alternated between beautiful foliage and spectacular vistas.

Me and Christ

Me in front of the gigantic Christ the Redeemer statue.

Margie and Christ

And now Margie's turn. The thing was hard to keep in the frame, neither of us succeeded.


Margie on a banister in front of Ipanema.


More Ipanema and the Lagoa. You can see the big racetrack called the "Jockey Club."


Margie with Pao de Acucar (Sugar Loaf) and Niteroi across the bay.


Don't know why I had the mischievious look. It totally wasn't me.


It's crazy how the city is sandwiched between mountains and sea, but it makes for an incredible view.


That Lagoa (the big lake if you haven't figured it out by now) is actually incredibly polluted. The fish spend most of the day jumping out of the water in an attempt to escape. No kidding, I saw them!