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4 September 2004

Escola da Samba - Portela


Cariocas drink a lot of beer. We accumulated cans on the table, and this is what it looked like at around 4pm, about two hours into the party. I think this was for maybe 8-10 people.


Massena, Milton's friend who invited me to Portela with his family, was careful to point out that he didn't drink all the beer by himself.


Clockwise from front center, Massena's daughter Louisa, her boyfriend Leo, his cousin Hugo, and three of their friends whose names I've forgotten.


Massena and his wife. Interesting note- they lived in Mozambique for several years, and Louisa was actually born there. They thought it was great that I had been there.

21 August 2004

Escola da Samba - Uniao da Ilha


One of the most shocking things about the samba schools, is how big they are. This picture was taken at a "deserted" August rehearsal. Later in the year the rehearsals can attract upwards of 1000 people.


The rehearsals aren't actually for the dancers, but for the band, or baterilha. It is composed mostly of percussion instruments.


In addition to the baterilha there are a couple of singers and guitar players up on stage to provide the melody.

Group pic

Margie, my cousin Alejandro, and a guy whose name I don't remember. We were there with a friend of Alejandro's who composes sambas, Ricardo. They have a booth upstairs which apparently has better security and is less crowded that down below later in the year.

Group pic2

We left early because Ricardo wasn't feeling well. It turns out he had a heart attack. Luckily they got him to a hospital, and he's doing okay. I snapped a couple pictures in the parking lot when I realized I had gotten so few.


Mariana started dancinng and I had to get a picture. Behind her is Ricardo's son, Ricardo.


Another of Mariana. You can see her face slightly better in this one. This was during the elaborate Brazilian farewell ritual of kissing everyone goodbye.


Margie started dancing too. Mostly cause I told her to so that I could take a picture. She was totally getting the hang of Brazilian samba by the time we left. It's fairly simple, just insanely fast.


And my turn to show off what I've learned a little. Unfortunately, you can't actually see dancing in a picture.