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Katie, me, and Emily at Sonny's, a great place to dance lindy if you happen to be in Ballard on a Monday night (or decide to trek across the city like the rest of us).

Megan and me, also at Sonny's.

This is the only chance I got to wear the wrap pants I made before I left for Brazil. I was silly and didn't take them with me, but maybe I can have my mom bring them down. (Please?)

Me and my dad on the sideline of an ultimate game (last one before I left). My mom was having fun playing with my new digital camera.

My super cute brother Harrison (yes, like Harrison Ford), aka Kiddo (and I gave him that nickname _way_ before Kill Bill, thank you very much). He's not an assasin to the best of my knowledge, but he is a damn good ultimate player.

Liz was also on our team! Yay Liz! We were playing Rusty's team, but didn't get any pictures of him. :(

This was our version of stretching, I think. There's Viet (team captain)! He grew his hair out and grew a goatee so I hardly recognized him at first.

For those not familiar with the game, each point begins by the teams lining up at their endzones and one team "pulling" the disc to the other.

There is a disc by Harrison's foot, so this was a turnover, probably in our favor. It was a really close game, the kind that takes three hours for either team to get to 15 points and end it.

This must have been towards the end of the game because it was getting dark. Did I mention that there were no subs for any of the girls on our team? Yeah... tired.

I was totally beating her, but they threw it to someone else anyways. :-P

That's all folks!