
Frank has left with a strange man claiming he will help us get gas. As the truck drove off, we all agreed that Frank's ass is history.

We could've gotten more for Wayne.

Urinal 2.0 is online-- beta testing with water has shown good promise for leakage protection but a small problem with standing water. Still, it beats pissing in a 2-liter. we have yet to inaugurate.

Fortunately, our 5 gallons got us to the closest station which our bus ninka was skillful enough to maneuver into. I think we are going somewhere to play monopoly for money. I should add that we now have a new member of our crew-- the keg Jawa -- bringing our total to an even dozen. We are off to a bit of a rough start since he never fucking says anything except ooteenee and he is only dispersing foam but that makes him better than Engel who is only dispensing nappyness from his ass so I for one am ready to accept him as a full-fledged member of the crew.

Thomas Vaughan
Last modified: Sat Mar 27 13:54:45 PST 1999