
Jay's dad is now driving the bus. We have a full set of back tires on the way.
He just climbed the curb on our real wheel tire. Its sagging about 3 inches because of the added load. Jay's dad is cornering hard enough to slide couches, slamming on brakes, the whole deal
Tom just woke up-- "We went to a golf course??"

Jay and Jay's dad at the helm
10:40 Hamish:
Jay's House. We wanted to be polite and stay outside but they insisted-- which is good because Jay's STEPmom has a pretty good rack. A bead-worthy rack I do say. I can say that because she's his STEPmom.
Tom lost a quarter to a turned-off slot machine. Now we are going to get new rear tires from some guy-- one of the three in town who can do this. I'm sure the front tires are in perfectly good shape and hey, what's a front blow-out anyway?

Thomas Vaughan
Last modified: Wed Feb 24 15:29:57 PST 1999