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Prereq.: CS 105
Design and implementation of operating systems, including processes, memory management, synchronization, scheduling, protection, filesystems, and I/O. These concepts are used to illustrate wider concepts in the design of other large software systems, including simplicity; efficiency; event-driven programming; abstraction design; client-server architecture; mechanism vs. policy; orthogonality; naming and binding; static vs. dynamic, space vs. time, and other tradeoffs; optimization; caching; and managing large codebases. Group projects provide experience in working with and extending a real operating system.
We will distribute assignments on the course web site, and make all announcements through piazza. The course web site has the schedule for the term.
Grades in CS 134 will be based on:
Percentage score | Grade |
≥90% | A |
≥80%-<90% | B |
≥65%-<80% | C |
≥50%-<65% | D |
<50% | F |
To turn in each lab, run make handin in your lab directory. The handin must be received by 11:59pm on the day that the lab is due. You can turn in as many times as you like before the deadline. Lab results will be returned in GitHub.
You have a total of 72 late hours for the semester. Each hour late in excess of 72 hours will penalize your total lab grade by 1%. We calculate your final lab grade using the configuration of late hours and lab submissions which results in the highest grade. These late hours are intended for cases where you fall behind due to illness, job interviews, HMC athletic events, deadlines in other classes, etc. For extensions under extenuating circumstances (e.g., you are sick for a week), we require a letter from one of the student deans.
The homeworks are intended to make you think about the lecture topic and/or get your hands dirty. Programming homework and paper questions are due before the start of lecture (by 1pm) on the specified due dates. I do not grade your answers for correctness, but merely check-off that you put reasonable effort into them.
No late homework will be accepted, but I'll drop the lowest homework score.CS 134 relies on the following three books:
In addition, the class relies on tons of reference material on x86 instructions, PC hardware specs, etc. All that material is available on the reference page.
Do not post your lab or homework solutions on publicly accessible web sites (such as a public repository on GitHub).
Lectures will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 1:15pm to 2:30pm in Shanahan 3425.
A lab is also scheduled for this class from 7pm to 9pm in Beckman B105. Although it is not required to attend this lab, it is highly encouraged. The instructor will be present during lab hours, available to help with both lab and homework.
Neil Rhodes
Mars Park
We'll use Piazza for questions. Use private posts to me only for specific code examples or personal issues—instead, prefer public posts so everyone can share in the question and answer, and so that other students can answer as well.
If you need accommodations for a documented disability, please talk to me or contact Brandon Ice, the HMC Student Accommodation Advisor ( You will find information about disability resources on the college website: Students from the other Claremont Colleges should contact their home college’;s disability officer. If I learn of a potential violation of the college’s gender-based misconduct policy (see, I am required to report it to Leslie Hughes, the HMC Title IX Coordinator. If you want to speak to someone confidentially, the following resources are available on and off campus: the EmPOWER Center (909-607-2689), the Monsour Counseling Center (909-621-8202), and the McAlister Chaplains (909-621-8685).
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Last updated Wed Feb 27 07:42:59 PST 2019