A permutation of the letters in a word or phrase to form another interesting word or phrase. Often interesting or humorous.
See also: FroshAnagrams, ProfAnagrams, DuctTapedFloor.
Example: The name "Clint Eastwood" is an anagram of "Old West Action".
- EastDorm <-> Dreamt So <-> Tsar Dome <-> Sod Me, Rat!
- East Dorm Chat L <-> A modal stretch <-> A tech lost DRAM <-> Detach RAM slot <-> Motel trash cad <-> Most teach lard <-> A old test charm <-> Stale math dorc (kinda like dork...) <-> Oh! Mad clatters.
- Robert Adams (RobAdams) <-> Beast Ramrod <-> Do Breast Ram <-> Brat o'er Dams
- MarissaAnderson <-> Near Arson Sadism <-> Mars Naiad Sensor
- Zachary Andree (ZakAndree?) = A Red Hyena Czar = Ached zany rear = Head near crazy = Dear! A crazy hen! = A hazy race nerd = A crazy end, Hera!
- EricAngell = Lilac green = Relic Angel = Reign a cell = Lice gel, Ran = Recline, gal!
- Eric O. Angell = Rigel Clone
- MelissaBanister = I resist balsa men = Miserable saints = Is Satanism rebel = Bare, slim, East sin = A lesbian's merits = I, lesbian's master = Steamier sin labs = Timeless as brains = Sin ass at IBM...leer
- DustinBarnard <-> Bad Innards Rut
- ArielBarton <-> A tribal Nero <-> Into a barrel <-> A retinal orb <-> Berlin aorta
- Robin Michelle Baur (RobinBaur) <-> Lo! A chubbier Merlin!
- Robin M Baur <-> No rum, rabbi! <-> I run mob bar <-> Rob Iran, bum <-> an IBM burro <-> Bub in armor <-> I burn Rob, ma
- AdamBliss <-> A mild bass <-> Sadism lab
- AlexBobbs <-> SexLab Bob <-> Babble Sox <-> Babel's Box
- EmmaBoyer = Maybe More = May bore me = O My! Bare me! = Obey me, arm! = Mayo ember
- Emma C. Boyer = Mace embryo = O my! Embrace!
- JeffBrenion=Fine fern job=Jeff, né Robin
- Nathan Cappallo (NateCappallo) <-> Anal Papal Notch
- CandaceChurch? = Munch Card Cache = Crunch mad cache = Aced Mach crunch = Ranch cache: cud
- Candace M. Church = Much can reach CD
- DanCicio <-> Acid Icon <-> Conic Aid
- DanielCicio <-> A Dice in Coil <-> O! Clinic Idea! = E-coli in acid = Acid...ice...Olin (future EDSP member?) = I die laconic = No acidic lie! = I lid cocaine = In icicle ado
- EdwardClifford? (GrantClifford?) = Fried clod dwarf = Red dwarf, if cold = Wild card off red = Odd red war cliff = Lewd Cardiff rod
- Edward G. Clifford = If lewd, drag for CD
- Emily Sarah Cukier (EmilyCukier) <-> I lurk as ye, Chimera <-> Leery samurai hick
- CharlesdAvis? (AndrewdAvis?) = Arch-devil ass = Visceral dash = Sad arch evils = Sad rich slave = Ah! Crass devil = Ravish CD sale = Vile, sad crash = Slashed vicar = Had vile scars = Rave-ass child
- VictoriaDavis = Ciao! Vivid Star! = Is a vivid actor = Avoid its vicar = Vicars avoid it = Viva! I tar disco!
- Victoria A. Davis = I Siva, avid actor
- Kurt Mauro Dresner (KurtDresner) <-> Retard usurer monk <-> Stroke a red rum urn <-> Señor! A Turk murder! <-> Rum us, naked terror! <-> Read more, rusk runt <-> Tree Drank Sour Rum <-> Kendra, rent our rum! <-> Rot, Denmark Usurer! <-> Rum, Nurse? Ok, retard.
- JoseluisEspinosa = Jesus soils on a pie = Jesus is sap loony! = Jesus is Polonaise = Jesus spies in a loo = O Jesus! I piss alone! = Piss on jealousies = I lose Jesus's piano = Is jealous in posse = O Jesus, I pose slain = ANSI Jesus? Loose pi! = O! Jesus oils a penis = I pose as Jesus-lion
- Kimberly Espinoza (KimEspinoza)<-> I Prize Lab Monkeys! <-> Prize Soybean Milk <->lazy, somber pinkie
- AndrewFarmer <-> Dwarf renamer <-> A warm nerd? Erf!
- AdamField <-> Failed, Mad <-> Faded Mail <-> A Maid Fled
- JessicaFisher = Jessie, if crash = Has sci-fi jeers = Jeers, if is cash
- Jessica A. Fisher = I see fish jar sac = I jar sea chef, sis = If I jar, sea chess
- RachelGabor <-> Choral barge <-> Ha! Grocer lab!
- AvaniGadani <-> Gandia Avian ("Gandi" means crazy in Gujarati- ImpliesNothing)
- David Adam Goldsheft <-> A Mad Half-God Did Vest
- David Greisen = Divine Grades = Deserving Aid = A virgin's deed = Divine red gas = I dig nerds, Eva = A Verdi design = See virgin add
- Stephanie Grush (StephGrush) = It's a hung sphere = The sharp genius = Huge hen rapists = Huge trash penis = Isn't huge phrase = Enthuse rash pig = Piss! I hate hunger. (Sounds like something Marty would say) = Her snug ape shit = Her genius's path = Anguish her pest = Huge than pisser (also something Marty would say) = Ugh! Penis haters! = Huge sparse hint = Penis as her thug
- Stephanie S. Grush = Hugest penis rash
- SteveHaas <-> Have asset
- Linley Erin Hall (LinleyHall) <-> I'll Yearn In Hell
- ClayHambrick <-> A marbly chick<-> Army Bach lick <->My black chair <-> Ably crack him
- Christopher Hanusa (ChrisHanusa) <-> Ha, Sir Shout Phrance.
- Danielle Hinrichs (My professor from the HumDepartment last semester) <-> Hell! In Dire Chains
- JessicaHoover = Her coo' ass jive = Joe's rash voice = Jive echo or ass = Joe rises havoc = Shiva jeers: "Coo'!" = Ass-heroic Jove = Hi Joe, cover ass
- BretHutchinson <-> Tensor Hun Bitch
- Michael Breton Hutchinson <-> Hire Stolen Macho Bitch Nun
- Nicholas Johnson (NickJohnson) <-> Ninja Noh Schools
- OneKim? = No Mike = Mo' Nike (Mo' problems?) = IE Monk
- One H. Kim = Khomeni
- MarcyLaViollette <-> I'll try a vocal teem <-> A mallet? Cry, "Love it!" <-> I am totally clever
- ProfessorLevin <-> Inverse 'Fro Slop <-> O, Sin, Profs! Revel! <-> Sliver Nose Prof <-> Evil Prof Sensor <-> Rise, Sloven Prof!
- Mathew Livianu (MattLivianu?) = I'm a walnut hive = Wait...evil human! = A vile, human wit = I value with man = Await'n' evil Hum = I value twin ham = I want a vile hum = View human tail
- DanielLowd <-> Walden Idol <-> I'd end all: ow! <-> Lil' Wad Node
- Matthew Macauley (MattMacauley) <-> My, what a cute male! <-> Am wealthy, am cute. <-> Why mutate a camel?
- Joseph Malone (JoeFrosh) <-> John, Pal, hose me!
- Elizabeth Main (LizMain?) = Hi! I'm a Zen table = I'm Elizabethan = I blame the Nazi = Amiable zenith = A man, he bite Liz
- TaraMartin = Martian Rat = Tart airman = Train a tram = Martian art = Main rat art = I'm a tar rat = I? An art tram?
- Joshua Middendorf (JoshMiddendorf) <-> Jihad of Mudder son <-> Fjord Demon Dish <~>I Judge as DemonFrog? Horde.
- Edward Miller (EdMiller) <-> Dwell married.
- Edward Corey Miller <-> I made orc-well dryer.
- Gabriel Neer (GabeNeer?) = Neil A. Gerber = Lager in Beer = A Niger Rebel = Barrel genie = Beer ale ring = Be green liar = Real gin/beer = Beagle in err
- Gabriel B. Neer = Large beer bin
- Jessica Nelson (FessNelson) = Slices on jeans = Senses jail con = Jason's silence = Clone Jess sin
- Jessica L. Nelson = Sell nice ass, Jon
- Ari Pen Ch'ing Nieh (AriNieh) <-> Hair Pinch Engine <-> Inane High Prince
- Elizabeth Norton (LizzNorton) <-> Into a zen brothel <-> Bent trio on hazel
- SeemaPatel <-> Please mate <-> Plate Me, Sea
- Justin Mason Pava (JustinPava) <-> A Java Simpson Nut <-> Spam just on a vain
- TimPrescott <-> Strict tempo
- JuliettePetersen = Silent jet Euterpe = Elite Jeep test run = True Nestle jet pie = Serene jet let it up = Silent pee jet true
- Juliette R. Petersen = Ripe telnet jet user
- Michael Price (MikePrice) <-> Prime Cliche <-> Ahem! Pi Circle!
- Christopher Pries (ChrisPries) <-> Short, Spheric, Ripe <-> Scripps? THEIR HERO! <-> Pet His or Her Crisp.... < edited for safety > <-> Rip or Sip Her Chest!
- MartinPyne <-> Panty Miner <-> Remnant Yip <-> A Penny Trim
- TamaraReimer = I mar rare meat = Am a rare merit = Me? I'm a rare rat = I mate rare ram = A ram, a merit, er... = Rare Emma, art I
- BrianRoney <-> Rib Annoyer <-> Iron Nearby
- EvilSouthie <-> Hue is violet
- CourtneyRotstan? = Can't one torus try? = Snotty Raconteur = No nutty reactors = Cute nor snotty art = Snotty at core -- run!
- Peter Saeta (ProfessorSaeta) <-> Paste Eater
- MarkSandoval <-> Dark Nova Slam!!! <-> Sad larva monk
- IanSchempp <-> Penis Champ
- Ian Cosby Schempp <-> Chop My Penis Scab
- CubeSchnaider <-> Their Damn Cats <-> Drastic Anthem <-> Tainted Charms
- NatalieSchommer? = Manhole matrices = Hot emacs men? Liars! = Moral, mean ethics = I am no smart leech = Ah! Manic molester = Morse man at Chile = Ha! Lemon matrices = Ah! Sin! Elect Momar! = Am chlorine's mate
- Natalie S. Schommer = Silent Momar chase
- AndrewSchoonmaker <-> He's a C-rank Dew moron <-> Am Neon, Sword Hacker
- The latter becomes less non-sequitur if you know that Andrew's preferred handle is "Neon Elephant" or just Neon (his hostname is neon.st.hmc.edu). It's like Neo from TheMatrix?, but instead of The One, he's The None.
- Neo <-> One. Oh, that's really subtle, guys.
- AdrianScott? (AcScott?) = Rancid Toast = Disco tartan = Rat acid snot = Start on acid = Sad anti ROTC = I'd ROTC, Satan = Cat and riots = Intact roads = Sad acorn tit = A Ton Drastic = Tan rat disco
- DanSmith <-> Damn Shit
- MicahSmukler <-> Muslim Hacker <-> I'm a mush clerk! <-> I'm chalk muser
- Erin Elizabeth Sperry (ErinSperry) <-> A Terrible Zen Rye Ship
- VirginiaStoll <-> I trill via song <-> O Latin Virgils!
- MarySullivan <-> Slav luminary <-> Slam lunar ivy <-> A small ivy urn
- Nicholas Taylor (NickTaylor) = Try a sin: alcohol = A silly, hot acorn = A horny localist = Loony, hit rascal = Shy colonial rat = So hotly cranial = Rascally hot ion = Shy cranial tool = Hairy local snot = A loony rich salt = A loyal rich snot = Try ANSI alcohol
- LoriThomas <-> Holism rota <-> A solo mirth <-> Hail motors <-> Lost mohair <-> Ho! Moralist <-> Smooth liar
- Katherine Todd-Brown (KatheToddBrown?) = Think Brew Deodorant = Heartbroken odd twin = Kind, bad, rotten whore = The odd network brain = Hit breakdown to nerd = Breakdown on the dirt = Knob that weirdo nerd = Now abort the kid nerd = Attend kind orb, whore!
- Katherine E. Todd-Brown = Weak, hot, inbred rodent
- IanTullis <-> I Nail Lust
- MichaelVrable <-> A calm, evil herb <-> Climb lava here <-> Live ABC Mahler
- Elizabeth Walsh (EllyWalsh?) = She with lab zeal = White hazel labs = Whiz heals table = His blaze wealth = Ha! Bizet was hell
- AlexWilkins <-> Axes kill win <-> Kill wax sine
- PeterWilson <-> Silent Power
- Eric Clapton <-> Narcoleptic
- ShowerQuality <-> Squeal With Roy <-> Seat. Why? Liquor. <-> A sly whore quit (not really). <-> Liquor? Yes. What?!! <-> Showy Quartile <-> Quiet Holy Wars <-> 'Til we quash Roy <-> Hear Yowls, Quit <-> "Arse," quoth Wily <-> Quality Whores. this one is a gold mine!
- Anagram <-> A rag man
- To be or not to be, that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune... <-> In one of the Bard's best-thought-of tragedies, our insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on two fronts about how life turns rotten.
- Can i have a banana? <-> I have a Canaan ban [[thus stop asking for one silly schmackerinos)
- Im stalking you <-> Lusty Amigo Ink
- Martina Hingis <-> His Martian Gin
- There is only one electron <-> Torn nylon, or elite cheese?
- Underhill <-> Hell, I'd run!
- United States of America <-> Dine out, taste a Mac, fries.
- George W Bush <-> He Grew Bogus <-> He Bugs Gore
- LeeWiyninger <-> Wily engineer
Check out the [Internet Anagram Server] to find anagrams for anything.
Or try [Sternest Meanings], the anagram bot. You can talk to him on his website or (sometimes) on AIM as sternestmeanings.
Also, you might want to look at [this extraordinary waste of time.]
Hey MattBrubeck. You should put up your anagram making program... I liked that better than the one that is linked here. --NateCappallo