
Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
Used to have a page. Then it was neglected for two years. Finally has some content again. You should add some. Yes, YOU.
Used to have a page. Then it was neglected for two years. Content was added. Another year or two passed. Finally updated again. You should add some. Yes, YOU.

Changed: 3,4c3,6
Current stats:
* Switched to the CS/Math? joint major at the end of his sixth semester. This is a GoodIdea.
* Class of 2011 graduate
* Can neither confirm nor deny that he is working near D.C./Baltimore? for a TLA.
* Switched to the CS/Math? joint major at the end of his sixth semester, having taken no CS past 70. This is a GoodIdea. Really.

Changed: 6,8c8
* Recently escaped from his two-year captivity in East 116 with ChrisFerguson. Now lurks in East 178.
** Took it anyway. 83ish.
* Is 1/3 of an East Dorm President for 2010-2011.
* Climbs all the things.

Changed: 11,25c11,12

Fall 2009 Schedule:

What? WHAT? When? Who?
MUS171A JP Piano W 11:30-12:00pm ProfBlankenburg?
R 5:30-? pm
PHIL 170 SC Faith & Reason M W 1:15-2:30pm ProfAvnur?
CSCI 131 PO Programming Languages M W F 10:00-10:50am ProfBruce?
CSCI 182a HM Robots & Vision T R 9:35-10:50am ProfDodds?
ENG 168b HM Computer Architectures T R 1:15-2:30pm ProfWatkins?
PE 072 JP Capoeira T R 8:30-10:00pm
PE xxx JP Shotokan Karate T R 7:00-8:15pm
Not-actually-class stuff:
JOB003 CS Staff
* Was 1/3 of an East Dorm President for 2010-2011.
* Returned triumphantly for Alumni Weekend 2012.

Changed: 29,30c16,17
* NikkiPeck
* XandaSchofield
* NikkiPeck
* XandaSchofield

Changed: 36c23
** "They don't call him the Proctor of Bondage for nothing!" -World's Sexiest Chem Professor
** "They don't call him the Proctor of Bondage for nothing!" - World's Sexiest Chem Professor

Changed: 43c30
CategoryHomePage EastDormClassOf2011
CategoryHomePage EastDormClassOf2011

Used to have a page. Then it was neglected for two years. Content was added. Another year or two passed. Finally updated again. You should add some. Yes, YOU.


KissiWebNeighbors: Feel free to add yourself, if it's true. If it's not, talk to me and we'll see if we can work something out.

CategoryHomePage EastDormClassOf2011

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Last edited April 30, 2012 0:34 (diff)