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HMC Biology Colloquia Fall, 2004 Wednesdays, 4:15 pm, Beckman Auditorium (B126) Note two specially scheduled lectures on September 23 and October 6

September 15 Vijay Chickarmane, Keck Graduate Institute

					“Chemotaxis from a systems biology perspective”

September 22 Tom Daniel, University of Washington

					“Modeling many molecular motors in moth muscle”
September 23 (Thursday) Mindlin Lecture: Tom Daniel, U. Washington 7:30 pm, Galileo Hall “Neural control of insect flight: from sensory systems to implantable computers September 29 Francis Su, Harvey Mudd Mathematics
					“Mathematical models for phylogenetic trees”

October 6 Bob Full, University of California, Berkeley

					Jointly sponsored by Mathematics and Biology
	7:00 pm, Galileo Hall
	“Bipedal bugs, galloping ghosts, and gripping geckos:  Bioinspired robotics, 
		artificial muscles, and adhesives”

October 13 Joy Goto, City of Hope

					“From flying foxes to fruit flies:  The role of the cycad
					toxin in neurodegeneration”

Oct 20, 27, and Nov 3 Senior Research Presentations

November 10 Greg Dewey, Keck Graduate Institute

					“Network analysis of gene expression profiles”

November 17 Devin Jindrich, UCLA

					“Stability, maneuverability, and control of locomotion”

December 1 Marion Preest, Joint Sciences Program

					“Hormonal stress responses and the influence of 
					reproductive state in the New Zealand common gecko”

December 8 Adam Summers, University of California, Irvine

					“Cartilaginous skeletons”

for more information about HMC Biology, visit our website: http://www.bio.hmc.edu

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Last edited August 31, 2004 14:45 (diff)