
Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1,2c1,2
Rejected by Pomona, Protested by Pitzer,
Outsmarted by Mudd, and Tasered by Scripps,
Rejected by Pomona, Protested by Pitzer,
Outsmarted by Mudd, and Tasered by Scripps,

Changed: 7c7,8
Where those are PomonaCollege, PitzerCollege, HarveyMuddCollege and ScrippsCollege. Funny how easy it is to not deadend a wikipage, isn't it?

CMC students travel in frights.

Rejected by Pomona, Protested by Pitzer, Outsmarted by Mudd, and Tasered by Scripps, For 40 years

 - From 5c rowing shirt

CMC students travel in frights.

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Last edited October 4, 2007 20:15 (diff)