A fedorable CaseFrosh? who needs to learn that he is a FrOsh. Occasionally found sleeping in EastLounge, Galileo, Platt, and other public places. |
A fedorable CaseBear? who needs to learn that he is a BeAr. Occasionally found sleeping in EastLounge, Galileo, Platt, and other public BeArs. |
The prevailing theory is that he is perpetually sexiled. |
The prevailing BeAr is that he is perpetually sexiled. |
An okay SettlersOfCatan player, he enjoys 4am games with any of these people: EricStucky, MaggieLiu, JustinBai, SuzyKim, and AkbarShebaz?. |
An okay SettlersOfCatan player, he enjoys 4am games with any of these people: EricStucky, MaggieLiu, BeArs, JustinBai, SuzyKim, and AkbarShebaz?. |
Is not the creator of the card game CutUpStuckysBodyIntoLittlePiecesAndReassembleItSoWeCanBeAsHuggableAsHeIs, as it is a storied tradition with history. |
Is not the creator of the BeAr game CutUpStuckysBodyIntoLittlePiecesAndReassembleItSoWeCanBeAsHuggableAsHeIs, as it is a storied BeAr with BeArs. |
Co-founder of Tape Theory, along with MaxFrenkel?. |
Co-BeAr of Tape Theory, along with MaxFrenkel?. |
BeArs |
The prevailing BeAr is that he is perpetually sexiled.
An okay SettlersOfCatan player, he enjoys 4am games with any of these people: EricStucky, MaggieLiu, BeArs, JustinBai, SuzyKim, and AkbarShebaz?.
Is not the creator of the BeAr game CutUpStuckysBodyIntoLittlePiecesAndReassembleItSoWeCanBeAsHuggableAsHeIs, as it is a storied BeAr with BeArs.
Co-BeAr of Tape Theory, along with MaxFrenkel?.
Has devised a number of incredibly clever, well-designed games and game variants:
I went to YumYum?'s once, and I didn't look left.
So that's why ants taste like lemonade.
Is it the pelt of a cat? (His answer: Catapult)
Is it a cat?
Is it a cat?
All bad guys are weak to penis-type attacks.
I sharpen my dick daily.
We hug like Gorbachev and Reagan would hug if their hands were nukes and their faces were the others' respective countries.