
Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Added: 3a4
* Red and black is ugly though

Changed: 6c7
* If you're willing to go to the work involved in getting one done, then there might be. Unlikely otherwise. There should be some designs floating around from last year that never did get used; from the lot I seem to recall that StephGrush's design was the most popular. - ChainMaille
* If you're willing to go to the work involved in getting one done, then there might be. Unlikely otherwise. There should be some designs floating around from last year that never did get used; from the lot I seem to recall that StephGrush's design was the most popular. - ChainMaille

As noted at the dorm meeting, we have decided on this color scheme for the 2000 t-shirts:

Two designs: Black on white with red highlights, and white on black with red highlights.

Is there going to be a 2003-04 EastDormTshirt? -JonathanBeall

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Last edited April 13, 2004 15:26 (diff)