aka Gilbert, bought at
DormAuction from
SouthDorm for $16 by
JacobPeacock, who, for the record, retains official ownership of the cart but encourages its use freely by all.
Subsequently decorated by 2015 EastieFrosh.
Frequently visited TheCoop? and other 5C and Village destinations.
- Actually, was taken to Vons the evening of 2012.05.25 by a mixed group of frosh from East, Sontag, and South. Tagged for use over summer by summer resident EmmaDavis, and may or may not be taken out more often depending on availability of people with cars...
By far superior to the WestBus?.
This page needs pics, frosh!
Sadly, as of the 2022-2023 school year, seems to have gone missing... Unless someone can tell me where it is.