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Do you like bizarre stuff? Do you like things that are so bad they're good, things that violate 'good taste' in all senses of the phrase, things that make you stand up and go "what the fuck?"


Then what the hell are you doing here?!

This is just a page for me to put my bizarre recommendations, not a lot of which people know exist. There's probably a lot of disturbing things as well as epileptic triggers and I don't know how to alert people to that very well, so tread lightly. Additionally, some of the websites are extremely offensive. I don't promote anything they say, and if anything they're all collected here because they probably make people take them even less seriously.


As a kid, I spent a lot of time playing Flash games. That probably informed my current taste in video games (weird, quirky indie games with Meaning)


I have a folder on my computer called "Ellen’s Folder of Wretched Websites," which is... exactly what you'd expect. To be updated as I figure out how the hell to even categorize this stuff!

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Last edited February 2, 2023 13:04 (diff)