What East 153 was dubbed in 2008-9, after a particularly uncreative brainstorming session by a bunch of frosh who knew that
1) the only other suite they knew in East was
2) there was a lot of homework done in East 153. (psst, don't tell them a suite is more than one room)
- Amusingly, this is the traditional location of the TimeSuck LivingQuarters?.
- Has occupied an actual suite ever since (East 155 and 157 in 2009-10, SouthDorm in 2010-11, and currently resides in second floor Atwood).
HomeworkSuck is on average a SextupleDouble? (mo' like a SexyTupleDouble?), although the range of its population is approximated as [null set, N] where N is an number of frosh. It has been proven by induction, however, that the rule of N+1 applies to HomeworkSuck.
HomeworkSuck, despite being titled such, is actually increasing in volume (since there is a constant music war in the room), and as such, the work accomplished in HomeworkSuck is actually negative (when against an external peer pressure to not do work).
Nevertheless, there is at least some pretense of doing homework in HomeworkSuck, although Conservation of Not Wanting to Do Homework always applies for any number N of students in HomeworkSuck. For example, the more student A wants to do their FroshChem, the more student B will crack jokes about 'doing' FroshChem (and if applicable Student C will make jokes about it being difficult to 'do' inanimate objects), thus maintaining inefficiency.
Also HomeworkSuck has a theoretical comfortable sleeping limit of seven people (3 mattresses + 1 sofa). This statement has not been proven.
- The record is now 5 people for one night.
It has been proven that the sets of {TheDevinator's Significant Others} and {People Under TheDevinator's Desk} are in fact one and the same. It was then conclusively proven that N+1 people can lie in both sets, for N = 4. Some wonder if HomeworkSuck needs more sleep. Or if TheDevinator needs a DevinatorFacts? page.
HomeworkSuck is very COOL and HIP.
Members of HomeworkSuck:
Guest appearances by: KatieBennett, EvanLi, KatieBennett!, EvanLi!, LilianDeGreef?, BenJi, HeroAndrew, JosephMin, EdwardWang, AprilWong, VincentPai and undoubtedly more people, where 'more' is a number
- I have to ask, is this senior-PanDrew?, or is there a new PanDrew?? (You know, all of this *has* happened before and all of this *will* happen again....) --ChrisSauro
Activities performed in HomeworkSuck:
- Not watching CodeGeass?
- Convincing other people to play Smash
- Wondering why [Eric's music] always sounds like a ten-year-old girl on helium and crack (hi Chris Hansen)
- Facebook stalking
- Discussing short Asian girls
- Making bad puns
- Making worse innuendo
- Corrupting, then re-corrupting frosh
David Letterman's Top 10 Quotes of HomeworkSuck:
- Porn! (or the word 'porn' inserted into a word where it doesn't belong [insert joke about inserting things into things where they don't belong])
- Anyone want to watch [CodeGeass? / some other crack anime / Youtube video sent to Schmack / see above quote]
- NO U
- Katie Bennett! Evan Li! Katie Bennett! Evan Li! Katie Bennett! Evan Li! (repeat)
- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JULIEN HELP ME (or some variant)
- You know who's [adjective], and [adjective]? [Noun]! Awwwwwww...
- FOUR HUNDRED [noun]S (or other Powerthirst reference)
- (something about knives)
- *put hands on hips* ah-HA-ha-ha! ah-HA-ha-ha! (repeat until clobbered in the face)
- [incoherent shouting]
List of HomeworkSuck Puns!
- What happens when you drop a watch into the ocean?
- You get time dilution!
- What did the Daddy Helium say to the Baby Helium who was watching TV?
- "Turn down the volume, I'm trying to do some work."
- Why are parallel lines always so happy?
- Because you can never make them cross!
- What did the photon say as it was transmitted through the beam splitter?
- "I'm completely unphased!"
- What did the ladder say to the guy who was trying to go sideways on the ladder?
- "You're going the rung way!"
- The day physics went on strike, no work could be done.
And other HomeworkSuck quotes someone thought was notable:
- "Remember, this is America! Guns don't kill people, boobies do, and that's why we should ban sex and legalize guns."
- What Spencer says: "I need more condiments." // What 5 other people in the room hear: "I need more condoms" ... It's a trained reaction at this point.
- *hand motion hand motion* Jizz! - Spencer to a person.
- *crashbangcrashkldsaiowuilhfjlk* D: Jizz! - Spencer to the room.
- "I hate you." - Katie to a person, usually Eric, Julien, or Spencer.