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Added: 11a12
** As noted in PowerSteering, the set of things that are ForGirls is not disjoint from the set of things that are for other genders.

LapTops are ForGirls.
LapTops are also AnnoyinglyDifficultToFind? working large hard drives for. Not that I'm bitter...

Note: A certain long sequence of long words on this page has been de-wikied. --RobAdams

Note: A certain smaller sequence of words on this page has been re-wikied, because having a list of that stuff would be a GoodIdea. --AlanKraut

LapTops enable the user to do ComputerScience outside! They are for boys too, but the number of boys who have LapTops vs the number of girls is surprisingly girl-heavy. Especially considering TheRatio here at HarveyMuddCollege

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Last edited January 25, 2012 20:09 (diff)