**Except I totally had to do that in high school. (BrothersKaramazov?, anyone?) --SkyeBerghel |
* Thats only DavidLapayowker. The rest of us tend to be more varied... MichaelBraly (The course is actually called Morality of Self Interest or somesuch like that.) |
* Will allow one to rewrite a paper if the student is not happy with the grade. |
He teaches a Hum 1 class where pre-writing consists of replacing the concept of "outlines" with "write 500/1000 words (depending on the assignment) about what you think about the topic you think you want to write about."
In other words, a Hum 1 class easier than all of SkyeBerghel's English classes since 9th grade.
Other classes include Applying the Free Market to Every Moral Argument (Phil 179).