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The 2019 LTG prank was decided by East Frosh on the 13th of February, 2019 when they created a Facebook poll of possible pranks, which included leaving a mattress filled with condoms/rose petals in the Norf Dorm courtyard and kidnapping a Norf frosh named Rose. In the end though, the winning idea was to re-make the Rose that was destroyed in 2010, give it back to Norf, then steal it back in the middle of the night.
The 2019 LongTallGlasses prank was decided by East Frosh on the 13th of February, 2019 when they created a Facebook poll of possible pranks, which included leaving a mattress filled with condoms/rose petals in the Norf Dorm courtyard and kidnapping a Norf frosh named Rose. In the end though, the winning idea was to re-make the Rose that was destroyed in 2010, give it back to Norf, then steal it back in the middle of the night.

The 2019 LongTallGlasses prank was decided by East Frosh on the 13th of February, 2019 when they created a Facebook poll of possible pranks, which included leaving a mattress filled with condoms/rose petals in the Norf Dorm courtyard and kidnapping a Norf frosh named Rose. In the end though, the winning idea was to re-make the Rose that was destroyed in 2010, give it back to Norf, then steal it back in the middle of the night.

The structural components of the Rose had been generously donated by Frosh BerlinPaez and a shirtless guy by the name of DillonCoville, but the exterior decorations needed to be acquired. So the first major operation in this prank was to send a team of Frosh to Pomona to gather essential materials to re-make the Rose. However, intense water falling from the sky delayed the mission, and in the end brave animal friend and Eastie Frosh KyraClark traveled alone to the Hive to gather the necessary materials. She returned successful, and the Frosh rested until Saturday the 16th, the day of LTG. That night, a Frosh Team made up of JuliaQian, KyraClark, DelaneyCohn, KyleRong, and third floor JarredAllen constructed the Rose. It stood at approximately four feet in height, and was so beautiful that it received thirty (zero) NUT emotes in East chats. On it was attached a photograph of the original Rose, and a note asking Norf to be East's Valentine.


To deliver the Rose, a large group of Easties and two third floors gathered together in the courtyard of East, all dressed in their fanciest, suave-iest, cooliest clothing. Frosh CameronGray elected to dress in his cute pajamas though, as Comfy Vice would begin immediately after the prank. All the Easties lined up in front of the guarded gate to Norf, but LTG was fifteen minutes away and the event staff security would only allow one Eastie to pass through and deliver the Rose. The East Frosh MariaCroom was sent in, all by herself, to brave the dangers. To this day no one knows what horrors she saw, but six minutes later she made it out of Norf, with the Rose successfully delivered.

Now that the Rose was delivered, Phase I was complete. Phase II was to take it back. At around midnight East authoritarian Frosh EdwardJacobs (Eddie) texted the EDC group chat that the Rose would be stolen back at 2 A.M., one hour after LTG was over and the chocolate and champagne spilled in the Norf courtyard during the party had time to harden into a solid surface on which the Easties could walk again. Upon their stealthy return however, the strike team could not locate the Rose. In response, they began posting "ə" all over the dorm courtyard and walls. During their operation, one inebriated Norfie began taking down an ə . Big mistake and a hard oof. Team leader Eddie, adorned in a comfy blanket, began stomping around, going up to the Norfie and screeching "REEEEEEE" at him. The look on his face was reported to be disappointment.

After that, everyone went the heck to sleep. Prank complete. The only question that remains, will the 2023 Frosh find the new Rose?

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Last edited March 1, 2019 14:42 (diff)