Thanks to the CS graveyard,
TimeSuckX has a Sun box which
HeatherJustice is setting up to contain a media library for
TimeSuckX (and possibly for future TimeSucks
? if it works well...). People are welcome to add their music to the library and let anyone in
TimeSuck know that they'd like to hear their music played. Hopefully we'll also have a convenient method of creating playlists set up soon, but for now just let us know what you'd like to hear played.
Adding Music:
- Depending on your computer's OS, you need to access
- In Windows XP: Start, Run,
- Press apple-k in Finder and type in 'smb://'. Enter any authentication information.
- All the media files are contained in the MediaFiles? folder. Read the readme file first for any recent specific instructions relating to what files to add.
- Please try to keep the media library somewhat organized, and please be considerate about what you add. If you think that a lot of people will be seriously offended by something, don't add it.