
Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 23c23,25
* People will refuse to play luck-based games with you, such as rock-paper-scissors.
* People will refuse to play luck-based games with you, such as rock-paper-scissors.
** Rock-paper-scissors can actually have a fair amount of strategy about it. There are a few rules that people generally follow without realizing it, and if you know them, you can often predict their next move.
** Speaking of which: [Iocaine Powder]

Amazing luck in rolling dice for RPGs.

People who have it:

People who do not have it:

People who have UnbelievableLuck in pursuits other than dice-rolling:

You know you have UnbelievableLuck when...

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Last edited December 6, 2004 20:51 (diff)