***** The worthwhileness of the functions from the BananaNebula? have been questioned. |
***** The worthwhilenesses of the functions from the BananaNebula? have been questioned. |
--Actually, IMDB says it's "Linka." |
--Actually, IMDB says it's "Linka." |
DownA? in midair DownB? upon completion of DownA? (assuming, of course, you have caught a PoorUnfortunateSoul? underneath you.)
Commonly accompanied by these sounds:
bambambambambambam--KAPWWWWINGG! "Damnit!" BLOOM Jigglypuff!
* ah you may THINK so, but if you try to block it you're open to a throw...
As a side note, Lyka is one of the Planeteers. --Actually, IMDB says it's "Linka."