SuperSmashBrothers staple, using Jigglypuff:
DownA? in midair
DownB? upon completion of DownA? (assuming, of course, you have caught a PoorUnfortunateSoul? underneath you.)
Commonly accompanied by these sounds:
- It ought to be Jiggly-Bitch!
Insanely even more effective in
SuperSmashBrothersMelee (although no longer with the DownA
? part, so there's a lot more KAPWWWWINGG and BLOOM and ""Damnit!"" and a lot less bambambambambambam)
The worthwhileness of this page has been questioned.
- The worthwhileness of YourMom has been questioned.
- The worthwhileness of BobDole has been questioned.
- The worthwhileness of BobDole's mom's mop has been questioned.
- The worthwileness of BobDole's mom's mop's mom has been questioned.
- The worthwhilenesses of the functions from the BananaNebula? have been questioned.
- The worthwhileness of this whole exchange has been questioned.
This move is awesome against an unsuspecting player but can, unfortunately, easily be blocked by blocking before the DownB
? attack.
* ah you may THINK so, but if you try to block it you're open to a throw...
As a side note, Lyka is one of the Planeteers.
--Actually, IMDB says it's "Linka."