
- 77077 Home Page - A great resource for fans of Fire Bomber, from the Macross 7 anime series.
- Anime Midi Server - A nice resource on Ming's home page if you're into anime (Japanese animation).
- Anime Web Turnpike - The definitive starting point for anime-hunting on the Web. Kind of a "Yahoo" for anime.
- Nausicaa.net - A great resource for all things Miyazaki. If you don't know who Miyazaki is, go find out!
- Classical Midi Archive - If you like classical music and don't mind hearing synthesized versions of your favorite pieces, this is the place for you!
- Digital Blasphemy - An awesome site with incredible CG desktop images. I highly recommend it. If you're a Windows user, you'll also want to get Desktop Architect, an excellent -- and free -- theme manager.
- Iomega - I have a Zip drive, and I've found useful free stuff to download here occasionally.
- Jasc Software - The creators of Paint Shop Pro, a very useful and low-cost graphics program. They offer a full-featured trial version to get you hooked -- that way, you'll buy a copy from them. (It worked on me!)
- Windows Update - It's worth your while to get the free security updates and other downloads from this site if you use Windows 95 or any newer Microsoft OS.
- Argon Zark - A visually stunning virtual comic book. I'd put it on my Comics page, but it's only updated once in a very loooong while. :(
- Dave Barry - The Miami Herald has decided to put Dave's weekly column on the Web. Hooray! If you don't know who Dave Barry is, go, read, and laugh.
- FunWiki - An interesting communal brain dump started by a friend at Mudd, Matt Brubeck.
- I, Cringely - You might have seen his miniseries on PBS, "Triumph of the Nerds." He now writes a weekly column about whatever aspect of the computer/technology industry tickles his fancy. An amusing and enlightening read.
- Rockapella - A fantastic a capella group with a very distinct sound.
- Star Wars Official Web Site - Need I say more?
- ToastyFrog.com - From the demented mind of Jeremy Parish comes this collection of angsty rants, video game commentary, and probably one of the funniest essays I've read in a long time: The History of Hilarious Religious Symbolism in Japanese Games. Unfortunately, Mr. Parish tires of his site's design on a regular basis, rearranging and or and/or removing content until he is inexorably drawn to recreate the site once again. So, if you can't find the essay, check back again in a few weeks -- chances are it will have returned.
- WeirdAl.com - Ever since elementary school, I (along with my brothers) have been an avid fan of Weird Al. If you have some time to spend and are looking for some laughs, read through the "Ask Al" portion of his site.
- WNUR Sports - My little brother, Zach Mulert, works at this radio station on the NWU campus. If you have RealPlayer, you can listen to a live broadcast.
- Zot! Online: Hearts and Minds - From the comics visionary Scott McCloud comes this online continuation of his Zot! comic book.
- Asheron's Call - A massively multiplayer online role-playing game, released shortly after Everquest and Ultima Online. I used to play regularly; we'll see if the new expansion, Dark Majesty, gets me started again.
- AC-Spedia - A handy atlas of Dereth, including a map to show you the general location of entries.
- ACVault - One of two popular Asheron's Call news sites I used to check frequently.
- Crossroads of Dereth - The other Asheron's Call news site I used to visit regularly.
- Blizzard Entertainment - The creators of entirely too many amazing games, such as StarCraft, the Warcraft series, and Diablo I and II.
- Conway's Game of Life - This page has a neat Java applet demonstrating tons of patterns and variations for this simulation/game.
- Ezone! - If you've installed the Macromedia Shockwave Player, this site has tons of cool little games and movies for you. Lenny Loosejocks rules!
- Firaxis Games - The makers of Alpha Centauri, another one of my favorite games. (Must...not...buy...Civilization III...need...life!)
- Homeworld - I finally picked up this game in early 2001, and was totally blown away by the visuals, gameplay, and (especially) the story.
- JD*bert - If you remember the really old game Q*bert, then you'll probably enjoy this Java version!
- Planetarion - Similar in many respects to the old-school BBS game Barren Realms Elite, but with waaaaay more players. I was introduced to it shortly before graduating, and played for a while.
- RPGamer - A great one-stop site for computer/console RPG fans.
- Silly Disadvantages - If you are familiar with the GURPS role-playing system from Steve Jackson Games, these will definitely crack you up!
Home Pages
- Ben Elgin - A friend and fellow Mudder who graduated back in 1998.
- Dominic Mazzoni - A friend from Mudd who graduated in 1999. Try out his Othello-like game Desdemona!
- Lion Kimbro - A good friend who is no longer at Mudd but is always up to something interesting...
- Steuard Jensen - 1998 Mudd grad and holder of the honorary title of "Torque Dork" during three of his years there, due to both his knowledge of physics and willingness to help the poor freshmen though their required physics courses.
- Amazon.com - Despite some people's complaints that they are evil, I still shop here from time to time.
- AnimeNation - If it's anime-related, they probably have it. I ordered my Fire Bomber CD's from them.
- Barnes and Noble - They have a nice used book section where they tell you what they actually have in stock.
- Buy.com - My single favorite online shopping site. I've ordered quite a few things from them, and have been very happy with their prices and their service.
- Powell's Books - This is probably the largest independent new and used bookstore in the world; it takes up nearly an entire block in downtown Portland.
- AltaVista - This was once my favorite search engine.
- Babelfish - actually AltaVista Translation, but the former sounds better.
- Cranky Critic - He actually pays to see the movie before he reviews it! In general, I find his tastes have more in common with my own than most critics I've encountered.
- Google - The fastest and most effective search engine I've encountered. I use it regularly.
- Idocs Guide to HTML - A handy resource which helped me get the frames on my Comics page working.
Last updated on 6-Dec-2001 around 7:30 PM Pacific Standard Time.