Welcome to my virtual photo album! The album is organized into three major divisions:
This section has photos from my trip to Europe during the summer of 1998 with my family. Most of the photos are from France, though a few were taken in Switzerland, Italy, or Spain.
Here you will find all of the photos (nearly 300 in total!) that I took during my two-year mission to Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am trying to write a bit about each photo in order to explain who or what appears in it, as well as noting the date and location where it was taken. Currently, I have one-line descriptions written for all of the photos; I will be adding more complete descriptions as time allows.
This section contains all the photos that didn't fit in the first two categories. Most of them are from various family vacations, although there are some that are there just for their humor value.
All of the photos in the photo album are ©Greg Mulert. Please do not reuse, distribute, or otherwise reproduce them without my express written consent. Respect copyright law!
Enjoy the photos!
Last updated on 21-Aug-1999 around 11:45 PM Pacific Time.