State-Sensitive Methods

Consider the following class, with two getters:

class pair
int x;
int y;


pair(int x, int y)	// construct from x and y values
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;


int getX()		// get the x value
  return x;


int getY()		// get the y value
  return y;


When we call a getter thus:

pair p;
p = new pair(7, 11);




the value 11 is printed. Note that there is no argument to getY.

The value 11 comes about by virtue of this call being relative to the object p, not because of a functional dependency of the result on the argument.


Likewise, were we to augment the class pair with a method min:


class pair
.... other stuff ....


int min()
  return x < y ? x : y;


we'd get from


the value 7.

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