Mutable vs. Immutable Objects

The previous object has no methods for changing the values of the object, aside from changing the fields directly with an assignment statement.

A way to enforce the non-changeability of those fields is to declare them private:

class pair
private int x;
private int y;
... rest as before ....


Now there is no way to change the values in the object once it is created.

Such objects are called immutable.

Functional programming, in a sense, deals only with immutable objects.


If we add a setter capability, such as setX, setY, then the objects in the class would be mutable.


void setX(int x)		// set the x value
  this.x = x;


int setY(int y)		// set the y value
  this.y = y;

Note that these methods would change the value returned by min, as well as the values returned by getX and getY.


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