Current Lab Members

A cartoon representation of a sleeping cactus plant

Maya Flynn. Grinnell '26, CS/Math. Designing A Climate Action Agenda

A cartoon representation of a sleeping cactus plant

Lily Anfang. HMC '27, ENG (EA Emphasis). Designing A Climate Action Agenda

A cartoon representation of a sleeping cactus plant

Kaitlynn Gray. HMC '25, CS. Designing A Climate Action Agenda

An image of ethan wearing a purple shirt

Ethan Sandoval. HMC '26, CS/Math. Designing A Climate Action Agenda; The Source

An image of a black woman smiling with black glasses and a black jacket

Prof. Kirabo. Maria M. Klawe Assistant Professor of Climate and CS. Lab Director

Lab Alumni

A cartoon representation of a sleeping cactus plant

Gregory Wickham. HMC '26, CS/Math. The Source