
Tom with the megaphone trying to get some passangers
12:00 Nick:
We just stopped at a bus stop to pick up a pasenger. He didn't want to go to the high desert. Now we're going to try to pick up some bitches. Luckily, we have the megaphone along to help out.

The Tropicana? This bus is goin' to the high desert. AllllAboooard.
4:55 ?:
Here is today summed up.
We began the day with a plan to go to 'Frisco tonight. At that point Wayne was asleep. We realized that the diagonal route didn't exist. Thowse pussies at yellowstone think a little snow on the road is cause to close a road. So the new plan became swing through Victorville & take the 5.
Needless to say, Wayne was still asleep. So because that plan involved swinging by Mudd (within 50 miles) we formulated a new plan -- go North to the desert & start a fire. On our way to the desert, we made Nick's afformentioned bus pickups. We continued to the desert when we heard what sounded like tire detreading.
After inspection we concluded that we'd fucked up shit & decided to continue. At this point Nick snapped. He demanded we drive him back to the airport. This tale has only begun, but I'm tired of writing and the Jawa beckons. Someone else may continue this tale.

Thomas Vaughan
Last modified: Sat Mar 27 13:57:16 PST 1999