
Nick here. I don't think what I did would technically be called snapping. I knew the retread came from our tires. I didn't buy into this whole "kicked up off the highway" shit. Jengel knew it too. For some reason, I didn't want to drive into the middle of the low desert with a bad tire.
That's when I made the very reasonable request to be drive to the airport. At that point, I was kindly told to go fuck myself because I didn't know what I was talking about. So we continued into the desert. Jon and I watched the road for retread this time. When the sound occured again,w e were able to refute the claims that the retread came form the road.
We pulled over again to take a look at the tire. Surprise, surprise, the tire was loosing retread. I'm not the type of guy to say I told you so. . .oh wait, yes I am.
Based on this "new" information on the tires we turned around. We made it all the way to Primm. That's where we're at. I'm not sure what we're doing now. I'm just along for the ride.

A ride sweeter than our own???
Getting some oil in Vegas

Nick, P.S:
O.K. I forgot a minor part of the story. When we turned around we saw a semi parked on the ride of the road. Jay pulled over to the side of the road to steal his tires. The general consensus is that I "fucking freaked out." By this they mean I yelled "What the fuck are we doing"? My concern was not so much a crazed trucker killing us all and dumping our mutilated bodies in the desert. My concern was that we were going to further fuck the tires up. The right hand side tires are about to come apart anyway (note: it is the left hand side tires that is losing retread). But anyway. . .

Thomas Vaughan
Last modified: Sat Mar 27 14:22:51 PST 1999