
? :
Avi and Hamish are pissing out opposite windows. Its 12:33, so we're about two hours out.

Jeff's phat rhyme :
Passin' muthafuckas like it ain't shit
Open up the window let me take a piss
High beams lightin up the lane edge
Representing Harvey Mudd College
Jay Wolkin masterminds the program
Super stimulate like no man
When I get to Mardi Gras I'm coo-coo
Choppin' muthafuckas like Kung-Fu

The keg (not yet the Jawa) provides good times in the back of the bus
I poured beer all over my shoes. This sucks. 15 min from Arizona. Have upgraded urination system to a bucket. Our makeshift bucket is a Mt. Dew bottle.

So I'm writing in the dark. We are using a half Mountain Dew bottle as a urinal. We got juice-- Nintendo even. I am drinking good. Chilling with Hamish & shit. I ate some Ritz Crackers and shit. C-ya in New Orleans. Out

Thomas Vaughan
Last modified: Wed Feb 24 15:12:06 PST 1999