CS 133: Database Systems

Spring 2023


Click the title of a lecture to view the page with lecture notes. For reference materials, "DMS" refers to the textbook (Database Management Systems), denoted in purple.

Weekly problem sets are due each Wednesday night, available on Gradescope.
Lab assignment writeups are on the assigments page; submissions on Thursdays on Gradescope.

Jump to: January | February | March | April | May

January 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
15 16 17 18

Lecture 1: Introduction, Relational model

Reading: DMS Ch. 1, 3.1-3.2


Lab 1 starts

20 21
22 23

Lecture 2: Memory hierarchy, Disks, Buffer manager

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 9.1, 9.3, 9.4

24 25

Lecture 3: Files and records

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 9.5-9.7

Problem set 1 out


Lab 1: Part 0 due (no submission)

27 28
29 30

Lecture 4: Intro to indexes

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 8


February 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Lecture 5: Tree-based indexes

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 10

Problem set 1 due
Problem set 2 out


Lab 1: Part 1 due

3 4
5 6

Lecture 6: Hash-based indexes

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 11

7 8

Lecture 7: Relational algebra

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 4.1-4.2

Problem set 2 due
Problem set 3 out


Lab 1: Final due
Lab 2: Part 1 out

10 11
12 13

Lecture 8: SQL

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 5

14 15

Lecture 9: SQL II

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 5

Problem set 3 due
Problem set 4 out


Lab 2: Part 1 due
Lab 2: Part 2 out

17 18
19 20

Lecture 10: Query Evaluation I

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 12.2, 13.1-13.4

21 22

Lecture 11: Query Evaluation II

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 14.0-14.6

Problem set 4 due
Problem set 5 out


Lab 2: Part 2 due
Lab 2: Final out

24 25
26 27

Lecture 12: Query Optimization I

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 12.1, 12.4-12.5,15.1,15.3


March 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Lecture 13: Query Optimization II

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 15.2,15.4

Problem set 5 due


Lab 2: Final due
Lab 3: Part 1 out

3 4
5 6

Lecture 14: Midterm (in class)
Covers lectures 1-11

7 8

Lecture 15: Query Optimization III

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 15.4-15.6

Problem set 6 out


Lab 3: Part 1 due
Lab 3: Part 2 out

10 11
12 13

Spring Break

14 15 16 17 18
19 20

Lecture 16: Transactions I

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 16.1-16.6, 17.1

21 22

Lecture 17: Transactions II

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 17.2-17.5

Problem set 6 due
Problem set 7 out


Lab 3: Part 2 due
Lab 3: Final out

24 25
26 27

Lecture 18: Transactions III

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 17.6, 16.7

28 29

Lecture 19: Recovery

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 18.1-18.6

Problem set 7 due
Problem set 8 out


Lab 3: Final due
Lab 4: Part 1 out


April 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2 3

Lecture 20: Database Design I

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 2.1-2.5,3.5

4 5

Lecture 21: Database Design II

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 19.1-19.3

Problem set 8 due
Problem set 9 out


Lab 4: Part 1 due
Lab 4: Final out

7 8
9 10

Lecture 22: Database Design III

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 19.4-19.7

11 12

Lecture 23: OO and XML

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 23, 27.6-27.8, Object-Relational DBMS - The Next Wave

Problem set 9 due
Problem set 10 out


Lab 4: Final due
Lab 5 out

14 15
16 17

Lecture 24: Distributed and Parallel DBs

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 22.1-22.3, 22.8, 22.10-22.12, 22.14.1

18 19

Lecture 25: NoSQL

exercise worksheet

Reading: References (skim only):
Ten Rules for Scalabale Performance in "Simple Operation" Datastores and
Scalable SQL and NoSQL Data Stores

Problem set 10 due
Problem set 11 out

20 21 22
23 24

Lecture 26: OLAP and Data Analytics

exercise worksheet

Reading: DMS Ch. 25.1-25.5,25.7,25.9

25 26

Lecture 27: Last class!

final practice exercises (answers at the end)

Problem set 11 due


Lab 5 due


Take-home Final Exam available


May 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
  123 4

Graduating seniors at CMC, Pitzer, Pomona, and Scripps:

Final exam due 12:00pm (noon)


Graduating seniors at HMC:

Final exam due 12:00pm (noon)

789 10

Remaining students:

Final exam due 12:00pm (noon)

11 12 13