
Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 8c8
TorqueDorque and one of the EastDormPresidents for 2007-2008
TorqueDorque, DormJock, and one of the EastDormPresidents for 2007-2008

Changed: 12c12
Currently works at Sandia National Labs, where he shines large lasers on burning crap.
Formerly worked at Sandia National Labs, where he shines large lasers on flames.

Added: 13a14,15
Currently a GradStudent? at UCDavis in physics. Was often in the Lounge
in the 2013-2014 school year due to extreme levels of sketchiness.

An EastDorm SketchyAlumn? (gosh I'm old) who formerly lived in UnderStair, known for making odd noises, wearing odd hats, and carrying around a big stick. He is a PhysicsMajor. Enjoys organizing and pulling pranks. Especially big ones. TorqueDorque, DormCheese, and DormTarpGuy? for 2006-2007

EastDormProctor for 2008-2009

TorqueDorque, DormJock, and one of the EastDormPresidents for 2007-2008

One of the instigators of the EpicBeforeHoes incident

Formerly worked at Sandia National Labs, where he shines large lasers on flames.

Currently a GradStudent? at UCDavis in physics. Was often in the Lounge in the 2013-2014 school year due to extreme levels of sketchiness.

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Last edited May 16, 2014 22:25 (diff)