Greg's World
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(I'm still working on full commentary. Sorry!)

All photos ©1984-1998 Greg Mulert unless otherwise noted.
Please do not use them without written permission.

Zach, Jeff and my dad at Palm Springs* Zach and Jeff at Palm Springs* Beware of Guido (inside joke)* My house in the spring* Jeff in Palm Springs* My dad with a funny hat at his retirement party* Christmas dinner with Matthias, host younger brother* My dad, Jeff, and Zach {strike} a pose* Eagle Court of Honor for Zach Jeff on the beach in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Mono Lake in California Mount Whitney in California Artists Palette in Death Valley, California Beach at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Jared Jones loves EFY
I also love EFY Indiana JEFF?* Farewell for Jeff before his mission* Zach, my mom, and my dad at Palm Springs* Old photo of myself, Zach and Megan, our cat* Presenting...SPAM! A very young Zach (4 years old) on a slide
*Used by permission of Loretta Mulert.

Last updated on 21-Mar-1999 around 9:45 PM Pacific Time.