CS 134 lab submittal
- After you have passed all of your automated tests for a lab, you'll run:
make handin
That'll double-check that you've passed your tests, and will also check to make sure all
files have been committed, and that your local branch has been pushed to GitHub.
- Create a pull request on GitHub
- Go to Pull Request tab on GitHub
- Click on "New pull request".
- Select 'lab#-no-code' as the base branch and 'lab#' as the compare branch (where # is the lab number you just finished).
- Verify that the commits that are chosen are correct, and that the code that is shown as different is correct.
- Click on "Create pull request".
- In the right-hand column, click on the gear icon next to Reviewers
- Type "nrhodes-hmc" and click on the GitHub name in the list below.
- Click on "Create pull request".
- Wait for me to send back initial comments (my responses will be within 48 hours)
- Setup an Office Hours appointment with me that the entire team should join. We'll have a short (10-15 minutes) chat to discuss the code (ensures all members of the team understand all the code--jointly and severally liable). If I'm not satisfied that both team members understand all the code, I'll ask to meet again.
- We'll back and forth regading the code review.
- Every time you make changes and want me to re-review, you'll need to re-request a review!
Otherwise, I won't get any notification and won't know to do the re-review.
- Once I'm satisfied, I'll approve the pull request.
- At that point, the team gets credit for having finished the lab.
All code reviews will stop 8AM, Monday, Nov. 30. Any Pull Requests not yet approved at that time will be abandoned).
If a student or team want to go back to do challenge problem(s) for a completed lab, they can. They'll just need to open a new pull request.
At most one Pull Request open per team.
Team can still move forward on next lab while Pull Request is still open on previous lab.
However, once pull request is approved, changes from previous lab should be merged into the code of the next lab.
There are no fixed deadlines for the labs. However, these are time-consuming. Here's a target as to whether you are on track for finishing all of the labs (if you're behind these targets, you're in danger of failing to finish them all):
- Lab 1: submitted by Mon, week 2, Aug. 31
- Lab 2: submitted by Mon, week 4, Sep 14
- Lab 3: submitted by Mon, week 5, Sep. 21
- Lab 4: submitted by Mon, week 6, Sep 28
- Lab 5: submitted by Mon, week 7, Oct. 5
- Lab 6: submitted by Mon, week 8, Oct. 12
- Lab 7: submitted by Mon, week 9, Oct. 19
- Lab 8: submitted by Mon, week 11, Nov. 2
- Lab 9: submitted by Mon, week 14, Nov. 23
This is derivative work based on MIT 6.828 used under Creative Commons License.
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Last updated Mon Aug 31 05:15:06 PM PDT 2020