"Glory to He who has made this
world! Glory to the Maker! In his name, we shall bring the torch
of his just and enlightened reign to the dark edges of this land,
all blessings upon family of his prophets!"
Favored Weapons:
Scimitar, Saber, Short Bow
Favored Armors:
Sandcloth, Round Shield
The Almohads are the
descendents of a nomadic desert tribe that lived
in the Great Basin for almost a milennia. Originally,
there were nine desert tribes, although the
names of all but two were stricken from the
oral history. The Almohad are a people that
rigidly hold to their traditions, but this masks
a ruthless flexibility and pragmatism required
for survival in the desert. They are clever
and cunning, able to adapt quickly, and assimilate
new situations to their ancient code of living.
While their ways never change, they nonetheless
never become outdated. Their people value bravery
and daring above all else, for live on the desert
requires they be free of hesitation. Almohads
are often excellent and brave cavalry and infiltrators
and spies. The Almohads typically wear loose
flowing robes with holes cleverly cut to relieve
excess heat. Disdaining all armor but the finest
and toughest of clothes, an Almohad relies upon
his quickness and skill with the spear or bow
to keep him from harm. The Almohads are famous
for their use of camels in the war to the North
and against the Mughal Horde, as horses greatly
fear the scent of camels. Typical Almohad warriors
wear only finely woven linen and wield scimitars
or sabers while on camel back. Some particularly
skilled Almohads can fire short bows from the
back of their camels. Because they are a nomadic
people, many Almohads learn to use the captured
weapons of their foes, and it is not uncommon
to find Almohad tribesmen wielding longswords
or sabers from Northern and Eastern warriors.
Favored Weapons:
Scimitar, Saber, Axe, Spear, Short Bow
Favored Armors:
Hide, Studded Hide, Light/Medium Brigandine, Round Shield
The Khalif are descended
from the line of a man called the Prophet. Their
legends state that this man, alone among the
First Men, was able to see the Rain of Fire
that would engulf the land. Although his warnings
were unheeded by all, he took his family and
his tribe and prepared them for the onslaught.
The Khalif have always been well learned and
firm in the face of danger. Their trails since
the Rain of Fire itself have instilled them
with a firm sense of righteousness and confidence
in the holiness of their mission. The Khalif
are brave, intelligent, and often patronizing.
Their achievements in the south make this more
than justifiable. Their Mulak slave caste of
non-believers is amazingly loyal due to the
Khalif's patient and just treatment. While they
are not above lying and deception, it is viewed
as yet another tool for brining the masses into
the fold of the One True God. However, the ill-fated
war with the North, coupled with the invasion
from the East has brought misfortune to the
Khaliphate. With the death of the last direct
descendent from the Prophet, the Khaliphate
suffers from leadership problems as mistrust
builds between the Almohads, Khalif, and Tajiks.
The typical Khalif warrior wears hide, studded
hide, or brigandine armor. Common Khalif weapons
include spears, scimitars, sabers, short bows,
and axes. The Khalif use both horses and camels
for their cavalry, and often wear turbans instead
of helms to prevent overheating.
Favored Weapons:
Scimitar, Axe, Spear, Javelin
Favored Armors:
Medium/Heavy Brigandine, Studded Leather, Tower Shield
The Tajiks do not claim
any descendance from the First Men whose cities
were destroyed from the Rain of Fire. Like the
Aengard of the North, they claim to be survivors
from the outskirts of civilization, living and
dying upon the rough badlands east of the Great
Basin desert. The Tajik tribes are filled with
hard men, where weakness is viewed as a danger
to the entire bloodline. Life in the Tajik caste
is filled with fighting from an early age. The
second rule of the Tajik tribes is loyalty to
one's tribal line. As a race of warriors, the
Tajiks were mystified at the Khalif's victories
over them. Once the civil war was over, the
survivors learned as much as they could from
the Khalif, becoming the warrior arm of the
Khaliphate. By virtue of their fighting proess,
they are a now proud member nation of the Khaliphate.
Tasked with protecting the Khaliphate from the
east, the Tajiks saw combat outside their lands
for the first time with the ill fated invasion
of the North, where they suffered tremendous
casualties fighting on foot against the Northern
Kingdoms. Even more died or were abandoned in
the hasty retreat back to the South in order
to prepare for the invasion of the Mughal Horde
from the East. As fighters, the Tajik stamina
is legendary, as they are the only desert people
known to fight in heavy brigandine. Likewise,
the Tajik discipline is also legendary among
the Southern peoples, as they were the first
among the Khaliphate to use formations in combat.
A typical Tajik warrior is dressed in medium
to heavy brigandine armor, and carries either
spear, scimitar or axe with a shield. Their
helmets are pointed like the Nothern Aengard,
but have featherd plumes to show tribal affiliations.