Module gamecontext :: Class GameContext
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Class GameContext

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A GameContext corresponds to a geographic location and is a collection of GameObjects, GameActors and state attributes. They exist in higherarchical relationships (e.g. kingdom, village, buiding, room).

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name='context', descr=None, parent=None)
create a new GameObject
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get(self, attribute)
return the value of an attribute
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possible_actions(self, actor, context)
return a list of possible actions in this context
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accept_action(self, action, actor, context)
receive and process the effects of an action
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Returns: list of player GameActors in this context
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add_member(self, member)
Add an player character to this context
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remove_member(self, member)
Remove a player character from this context
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return a list of the NPCs GameActors in this context
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add_npc(self, npc)
Add an NPC to this context
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remove_npc(self, npc)
Remove a non-player character from this context
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Inherited from gameobject.GameObject: __str__, add_object, get_object, get_objects, load

Inherited from base.Base: set

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from gameobject.GameObject: objects

Inherited from base.Base: attributes, description, name

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name='context', descr=None, parent=None)

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create a new GameObject

  • name - display name of this object
  • descr - human description of this object
Overrides: object.__init__

get(self, attribute)

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return the value of an attribute

Differs from base class because calls flow up the chain of parents if this instance does not have the requested attribute.

  • attribute - name of attribute to be fetched
(string) value (or None)
Overrides: base.Base.get

possible_actions(self, actor, context)

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return a list of possible actions in this context

This base class merely passes that list up to our parent.

  • actor - GameActor initiating the action
  • context - GameContext for this action (should be "self")
list of possible GameActions
Overrides: gameobject.GameObject.possible_actions

accept_action(self, action, actor, context)

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receive and process the effects of an action

The only verb supported by this base class is SEARCH, which it passes on to any hidden (RESISTANCE.SEARCH > 0) object in this context.

  • action - GameAction being performed
  • actor - GameActor initiating the action
  • context - GameContext in which the action is happening
(boolean success, string description of the effect)
Overrides: gameobject.GameObject.accept_action


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list of player GameActors in this context

add_member(self, member)

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Add an player character to this context

  • member - (GameActor) player to be added

remove_member(self, member)

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Remove a player character from this context

  • member - (GameActor) player to be removed

add_npc(self, npc)

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Add an NPC to this context

  • npc - (GameActor) the NPC to be added

remove_npc(self, npc)

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Remove a non-player character from this context

  • npc - (GameActor) NPC to be removed